
Text Practice Mode

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public Волчица и пряности 18 том 1 глава 1 часть
Покрытые снегом вечнозеленые сосны стояли �

5 votes
1539 words
9833 characters
8 12 488 days ago
Mar 26th, 2023
public pi get on my level ok
3. 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 582097494459230781640628

0 votes
191 words
9832 characters
0 3 3356 days ago
May 19th, 2015
public Волчица и пряности 18 том 2 глава 7 часть
Всем известно, что у аристократов часто не з

2 votes
1596 words
9831 characters
4 5 404 days ago
Jun 18th, 2023
public Good Things are Good
the world we live in. it's so... wonderous. mysterious. even magical. no... no n

0 votes
1868 words
9830 characters
0 2 2317 days ago
Mar 23rd, 2018
public xpeeeeccccchhhh
Hon’ble Chief Justice, Shri K.G. Balakrishnan; President, Inns of Court (Indi

0 votes
1625 words
9830 characters
1 0 3606 days ago
Sep 11th, 2014
public Волчица и пряности 18 том 1 глава 4 часть
Придя в себя после ночной пьянки и последую�

2 votes
1568 words
9827 characters
5 4 487 days ago
Mar 27th, 2023
public Hiperrealitas
Sesekali wajahnya lenyap di balik kepulan asap rokok yang ia embuskan. Ia seoran

1 votes
1366 words
9822 characters
1 6 851 days ago
Mar 28th, 2022
public UP Police computer Operator Practice set Hindi
अन्धी प्रतिदिन मन्दिर के दरवा�

0 votes
2004 words
9819 characters
4 25 2495 days ago
Sep 26th, 2017
public Python. Multiprocessing — Process-based “threading” interface
Introduction multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes usin

1 votes
1375 words
9819 characters
2 2 2946 days ago
Jul 2nd, 2016
public Pensamento e atualidade de Aristóteles
1a parte Nesta primeira aula, serão colocadas as premissas e métodos q

0 votes
1573 words
9818 characters
0 0 3158 days ago
Dec 3rd, 2015
public Волчица и пряности 18 том 1 глава 3 часть
Путешествие началось с опасностей, и, беспо�

2 votes
1554 words
9816 characters
4 5 488 days ago
Mar 26th, 2023
public As a Man Thinketh
Man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or

0 votes
1650 words
9816 characters
1 4 3300 days ago
Jul 14th, 2015
public Part:5 _ Cyber Security Awareness, Knowledge and Behavior: A Comparative Study…
4.1. Connection between cyber knowledge and awareness The connection between pr

0 votes
1571 words
9814 characters
0 0 857 days ago
Mar 22nd, 2022
public Алексей Рудаков "Записки пилота: молодой".…
Прохладным летним днём года 3.300 н.э. я вступи

2 votes
1467 words
9813 characters
8 12 2764 days ago
Dec 31st, 2016
public Волчица и пряности 18 том 2 глава 1 часть
Середина мира, окруженного со всех сторон г�

3 votes
1530 words
9812 characters
4 4 465 days ago
Apr 18th, 2023
public Part:4 _ Cyber Security Awareness, Knowledge and Behavior: A Comparative Study…
information provided (“provide”) by summing the score of the different types

0 votes
1546 words
9811 characters
0 0 857 days ago
Mar 22nd, 2022
acetabulous acetabulum acetabulums acetacetic acetal acetaldehydase acetaldehyde

0 votes
802 words
9810 characters
0 2 1009 days ago
Oct 21st, 2021
public Ted Kaczynski - manifesto; paragraph 1-17
1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the h

1 votes
1605 words
9810 characters
0 7 1804 days ago
Aug 18th, 2019
public История спаивания России
«Восстань же, русский человек! Перестань бе�

1 votes
1382 words
9808 characters
0 3 2432 days ago
Nov 28th, 2017
public The longest word in English! (just a part of it)
Methionylalanylthreonylserylarginylglycylalanylserylarginylcysteinylproly- larg

0 votes
129 words
9804 characters
1 4 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Applications in diverse sectors
AI is not a futuristic vision, but rather something that is here today and being

0 votes
1505 words
9802 characters
0 0 394 days ago
Jun 28th, 2023
public BLACK MONEY ESSAY – 5 (600 WORDS)
Black money is basically the accumulation of income obtained illegally. It is no

1 votes
1680 words
9802 characters
3 5 1918 days ago
Apr 26th, 2019
public Subways are for sleeping
On March 4, 1953, at approximately 11:30 P.M., Henry Shelby walked into the New

0 votes
1766 words
9801 characters
1 4 3446 days ago
Feb 18th, 2015
public Type in 0 seconds v2

0 votes
1 words
9800 characters
1 8 3371 days ago
May 4th, 2015
Chẳng phải sẽ rất tuyệt nếu chúng ta có thể nhìn vào ai đó v

3 votes
2183 words
9799 characters
9 9 3316 days ago
Jun 28th, 2015