
Text Practice Mode

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public 25 word test
second being you each hear an year around look my boy story before end time home

2 votes
25 words
133 characters
1 130 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Celtniecība un remonts
Izvēloties veikt remontu vai būvēt privātmāju, pirti, garāžu, lapeni vai

1 votes
235 words
1053 characters
1 38 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Let's see on how you do on something more complicated.
When and how Johny asked SHANIQUARAZONTAL TAL She answers.

1 votes
9 words
58 characters
0 14 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Psalm 1 (NGÜ)
Glücklich zu preisen ist, wer nicht dem Rat gottloser Menschen folgt, wer nicht

3 votes
147 words
834 characters
1 7 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public That Classroom Drama
There's a girl in my course trying to get our instructor fired because she got a

1 votes
71 words
385 characters
0 3 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public What I Would Txt A Boy That I LIke
Me: Hey whats up I haven't talked to you in a long time(: Him: Hello Ummmmm yea

2 votes
116 words
610 characters
2 2 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public SOOO EASY!!!

1 votes
3 words
397 characters
0 8 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public To my most Amazing freind
hey this goes to my friend alexis she means the world to me because she hangs ou

3 votes
57 words
287 characters
2 4 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public My most insanley crush
My most insanely crush is Austin Mahone because he is really cute and I love hi

1 votes
52 words
283 characters
1 4 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Test de scriere (Dictare)
Chiar aveam o problema cu textele pentru dictare! Multumesc din suflet! Le-am tr

5 votes
28 words
164 characters
0 34 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public okay this is about my crush
okay there is this boy his name is James Poncho n I think he is cute but only th

2 votes
78 words
357 characters
0 4 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
Hy I just wanted to say thanks sistr deandra yhuur the best thing in my world yh

1 votes
30 words
154 characters
0 2 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public A minha vida
A minha vida, Eu preciso mudar todo dia Pra escapar Da rotina dos meus desejo

3 votes
89 words
458 characters
4 31 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Numpad Practice
4783 8576 7136 1275 2371 8536 2137 2165 15653 2372 15676 1863 1263

4 votes
0 words
66 characters
2 450 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Sexy Beast: directed by Jonathan Glazer [quote]
I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I know you know this bl

2 votes
25 words
110 characters
0 39 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Tautasdziesmas par Rīgu
Bite šūnas piešuvusi Rīgas torņa galiņā; Skrien, bitīt, šai zemē, �

1 votes
118 words
566 characters
1 4 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Teika par Rīgu_1
Senāk Rīgu nevarējuši ne ar kādu karaspēku iekarot. Tur valdījusi sieviet

1 votes
463 words
2163 characters
0 3 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Teika par sāli Gaiziņa kalnā un citur
Senlaikos Gaiziņu māju ganāmpulkā bijusi liela, melna govs, tole — bez rag

1 votes
751 words
3368 characters
0 7 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Teika par Varavīksni
Kādudien gani aizlaiduši lopus līdz pašam Lielā ezera krastam. Aitas ganīj

1 votes
268 words
1197 characters
1 9 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Teika kā radušās zvaigznes
Mēness ieskatījies Saules meitā un nodomājis ņemt to par savu līgaviņu. A

2 votes
103 words
501 characters
1 6 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Teika - kā ezis pie adatām ticis
Sensenajos laikos, kad Dievs tikko radījis zemi, viņam atgadījies pirmais neg

0 votes
219 words
1060 characters
0 0 3671 days ago
Sep 9th, 2014
public Mohammed (PBUH)
Le chef religieux, politique et militaire arabe Mahomet, dont le nom est parfois

2 votes
116 words
658 characters
0 13 3671 days ago
Sep 10th, 2014
public Question #1
What do you think about this question? Is it easy to answer, or difficult? If yo

1 votes
47 words
268 characters
0 2 3671 days ago
Sep 10th, 2014
public Martin Luther King.Jr's life (Wikipedia Part 1.)
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American pas

1 votes
460 words
2865 characters
0 4 3671 days ago
Sep 10th, 2014
public The life of Saint Jerome (Wikipedia Part 2.)
Seized with a desire for a life of ascetic penance, he went for a time to the de

0 votes
948 words
5720 characters
0 4 3671 days ago
Sep 10th, 2014