
Text Practice Mode

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State Title
Rating Textlength
completed Age
public Pangrams!!
Two driven jocks help fax my big quiz The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy

5 votes
17 words
84 characters
6 109 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Kurdistan ,The Land of All Colors!
Kurdistan is Land of All Colors Land full of love, passion and spirit!

0 votes
13 words
70 characters
0 14 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public laugh while typing this one.......vote up if you had fun typing it
A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The h

10 votes
37 words
204 characters
8 35 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Oda a Espanya
Escolta, Espanya -la veu d'un fill que parla en llengua - no castellana: p

1 votes
118 words
644 characters
2 6 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Roses are Red
Roses are red violets are blue I'm not perfect neither are you.

1 votes
12 words
64 characters
2 48 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Cùng luyện gõ chữ nào
Thật ra là tớ không nghĩ ra cái gì hay hay một chút cả, nhưng mà

3 votes
109 words
310 characters
3 168 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public mig mig mig jeg jeg jeg hedder
hej jeg hedder Wiktor jeg jeg jeg mig mig ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja

1 votes
24 words
86 characters
1 10 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Tongue twister
She sells seashells on the seashore, if the shells she sells are seashells, then

10 votes
28 words
148 characters
9 139 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Lời xin lỗi của một dân chơi
Đến nay mình tôi giờ đi đâu, về đâu người ơi đầu óc của

4 votes
231 words
662 characters
1 28 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public József Attila - Tiszta szívvel
Nincsen apám, se anyám, se istenem, se hazám, se bölcsőm, se szemfedőm,

7 votes
86 words
400 characters
1 66 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Some ZZZZs in Dutch ;)
Zeven Zaventemse zotten zullen zes zomerse zondagen zwemmen zonder zwembroek. Zw

4 votes
27 words
179 characters
1 65 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public William Shakespeare quote on greatness
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon

23 votes
14 words
88 characters
16 334 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Youtube+ Twitter+Facebook
What do you get if you put Youtube Twitter and Facebook together? You get YOU TW

1 votes
25 words
144 characters
1 14 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Youtube+ Twitter+Facebook
What do you get if you put Youtube Twitter and Facebook together? You get the ul

2 votes
24 words
136 characters
0 22 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public short typing joke
A husband, while on a business trip to a hill station sent a telegram to his wif

2 votes
34 words
167 characters
0 21 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Challenge- alphabets reverse

2 votes
1 words
26 characters
1 172 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Voltaire: "Cándido"
Después del temblor de tierra que había destruido las tres cuartas partes de L

1 votes
71 words
376 characters
0 13 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ac gravida leo. Etia

1 votes
110 words
741 characters
2 18 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Moliére: "Don Juan"
Sabed, señor, que tanto va el cántaro a la fuente que al final se rompe; y com

0 votes
222 words
1136 characters
0 8 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Beaumarchais: "Las bodas de Fígaro"
Fingir ignorar lo que se sabe y saber cuanto se ignora; fingir entender lo que n

1 votes
108 words
581 characters
0 8 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public autobiogrophy
I am Eslam Eslami from Iran and i am 20 years old ,So i study civil engineering

3 votes
32 words
162 characters
1 9 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Beaumarchais: "Las bodas de Fígaro"
Se ha visto que, con el tiempo, viejas locuras se vuelven prudencia y que antigu

1 votes
100 words
584 characters
0 13 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public the quick brown fox
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

3 votes
9 words
46 characters
5 384 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Ibong Adarna
Umiinog ang tula sa magkakapatid na sina Don Juan, Don Diego, at Don Pedro na pa

0 votes
341 words
2157 characters
0 7 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014
public Silicosis.

1 votes
1 words
46 characters
1 78 3612 days ago
Sep 5th, 2014