
Text Practice Mode

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public 木头木头木头木头木头木头木头

0 votes
1 words
306 characters
0 6 926 days ago
Apr 5th, 2022
public 木头 木头木头木头木头木头木头
木头 木头 木头 木头 木头 木头 木头 木头 木头 木头 木头 木

1 votes
173 words
516 characters
0 4 925 days ago
Apr 7th, 2022
public 春夏秋冬 - sumika | (Haru, Natsu, Aki, Fuyu (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter))
Cherry blossom season prediction was in vain Heavy rain scattered their petals

0 votes
336 words
1901 characters
2 32 469 days ago
Jul 6th, 2023
public 日本語 の 文書 133/200 kanjis only from the normal typing test to200
偉大な 家 先生 時間 使っている 法律 国 言う 使った お父�

0 votes
133 words
420 characters
1 4 390 days ago
Sep 23rd, 2023
public 新型コロナウイルスから身を守るためには…

0 votes
3 words
386 characters
0 0 1690 days ago
Mar 2nd, 2020
public 新冠肺炎最新狀況報導

0 votes
2 words
221 characters
1 14 1627 days ago
May 4th, 2020
public 文章-選集 朱自清《背影》

0 votes
7 words
1346 characters
0 8 3531 days ago
Feb 16th, 2015
public 政府就黃大仙東頭(二)邨盈東樓指明「受限區域」作出限制與檢測宣告及強制檢測公告

0 votes
12 words
1302 characters
0 1 936 days ago
Mar 26th, 2022
public 政府就強制檢測公告刊憲

0 votes
11 words
1124 characters
0 1 995 days ago
Jan 27th, 2022
public 摘錄-運用大數據建置即時審計創新平台

0 votes
1 words
123 characters
0 3 2153 days ago
Nov 25th, 2018
public 摆脱一成不变的生活!

0 votes
1 words
117 characters
0 1 411 days ago
Sep 2nd, 2023
public 挑战。大家一起来挑战挑战挑战。
一二三 四五六 七八九 十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十�

1 votes
49 words
162 characters
0 19 2580 days ago
Sep 24th, 2017
public 押一付一风高放火发过火刚发
嗨 留学上 专业 英语 文学 在 对面 有空 的时候 欢迎 玩儿 �

0 votes
59 words
162 characters
0 0 420 days ago
Aug 24th, 2023
public 打字練習喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔

0 votes
38 words
1153 characters
2 5 1760 days ago
Dec 23rd, 2019
public 打字練習中文12345

0 votes
6 words
138 characters
1 8 199 days ago
Apr 1st, 2024
public 打字練習987654321
As schools are collective assembly places, infectious diseases could be easily

1 votes
138 words
920 characters
0 29 203 days ago
Mar 28th, 2024
public 打字練習123456789
The Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware will present a new exhibition from tomo

0 votes
157 words
921 characters
0 19 203 days ago
Mar 28th, 2024
public 打字練習《聊齋志異•種梨》
聊齋志異 原文: 有鄉人貨梨於市,頗甘芳,價騰貴�

0 votes
8 words
634 characters
2 17 3320 days ago
Sep 15th, 2015
public 打字 2015-03-19

1 votes
2 words
122 characters
0 3 3500 days ago
Mar 19th, 2015
public 我肯定在幾百年前就說過愛你 歌詞
我肯定在幾百年前就說過愛你 只是你忘了 我也沒記起 我肯

0 votes
82 words
535 characters
1 3 753 days ago
Sep 25th, 2022
public 我的一天,都去锻炼身体
我们班 每天 早上 都上课 老师 跟 同学 问 问题 每天 我们班

0 votes
1 words
84 characters
0 13 335 days ago
Nov 17th, 2023
public 我多想做个孤独患者自我拉扯
孤独患者 一只鱼并不孤单,想念一只鱼才会孤单。 “不谈�

0 votes
14 words
674 characters
0 1 750 days ago
Sep 28th, 2022
public 我们的爱-回忆里想起模糊的小时候 云朵漂浮在蓝蓝的天空…
回忆里想起模糊的小时候 云朵漂浮在蓝蓝的天空 那时候的�

2 votes
26 words
224 characters
0 10 3479 days ago
Apr 9th, 2015
public 我们学中文,写汉字,说汉语吧

0 votes
1 words
34 characters
0 1 1672 days ago
Mar 20th, 2020
public 憲法法庭112年憲判字第9號判決(一)辯護人與被告間秘密自由溝通權

0 votes
2 words
626 characters
0 3 483 days ago
Jun 22nd, 2023