
User: Welcome Back Obbyphy

Jesus loves you—just open the door. Come home. He is the embodiment of infinite peace and meaning......Hey there, friend! I just want you to know that I truly care about you. But my love is just a glimpse compared to the One who created and designed love itself. I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, and it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t share this with you: 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.' God bless. (Jhon 3:16)
User details
User ID 3949038
last login 5 hours, 12 minutes ago
member since 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Keyboard Layout
Keyboard My Chemical Romance.
Words typed 60,454
Tests taken 207
Competitions taken 68 (3)
tunhngphm2 days, 9 hours ago
ABELL2 days, 11 hours ago
Atiq Chowdhury2 days, 13 hours ago
SamDavis3 days, 2 hours ago
Gojooo3 days, 11 hours ago
ElTeclado3 days, 14 hours ago
CsKejaksaanUmumJakartaPusat4 days, 5 hours ago
okbrifaldi5 days, 12 hours ago
TrustInJesus5 days, 14 hours ago
SBKERAS5 days, 18 hours ago



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