
User: JacobBrown

Hey there, friend! I just want you to know that I truly care about you. But my love is just a glimpse compared to the One who created and designed love itself. I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, and it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t share this with you: 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.' God bless.
User details
User ID 3847520
last login 20 hours, 18 minutes ago
member since 4 months, 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Keyboard Layout
Words typed 1,850
Tests taken 7
Competitions taken 14 (0)
dpt4you7 hours, 58 minutes ago
Anik Mohammad8 hours, 44 minutes ago
type0018 hours, 50 minutes ago
Saint Benedict.16 hours, 53 minutes ago
ShafinAhmed218 hours, 56 minutes ago
Wongilang18 hours, 58 minutes ago
UDIN77720 hours, 48 minutes ago
HALOBCA1 day, 3 hours ago
LBell1 day, 4 hours ago
CSiker1 day, 4 hours ago



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