
User: Gerson Azabache

A software engineer who understands the crucial importance of being an excellent typist. Visit my software engineering blog at bravedeveloper.com. Trust the process, focus on one task at a time, and always strive to be your best. Discipline outshines talent. You cannot choose what you will have innate talent for, assuming you're within the 0.1% who have it, but you can decide what to be disciplined in. At that moment, dear reader, you will have surpassed the talented in practical terms. Records >> https://10fastfingers.com/competition/67697580d2a48 & https://10fastfingers.com/competition/671b408db8813
User details
User ID 3151359
last login 1 day, 20 hours ago
member since on May, 29th, 2022
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard Logitech K850
Words typed 438,284
Tests taken 1,420
Competitions taken 1,299 (0)



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