
User: CyberDarkFire

Fastest WPM: 111 (on the Typing Competition English) https://10fastfingers.com/competition/659b66109e616 on: 2023 October 19 2:53 Pm. Goal = 200+WPM! If you want the most advanced profile in this website, please go to this profile: 10fastfingers.com/user/4329/ His name is Linsk. Thank you for checking Linsk and my Profile!
User details
User ID 3093091
last login 2 weeks, 2 days ago
member since on April, 8th, 2022
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard Logitech X38
Words typed 240,643
Tests taken 1,251
Competitions taken 1,464 (0)



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