
User: 961inkarekökü

Yōi, yōi, Dōn da Yo! Shū chi-in gakuen Shūchi no jijitsu Minna akogare no seito kai (poku poku poku poku poku poku po) Kaichō to Kaguya-san Ishigami-kun to shoki no Chika♡ Gōruden menbā to omoimasen ka? (shoki no Chika, shoki no Chika, Rā!) Midareta kuni de ikiru watashi tachi Dare mo ga honne kakushiteru kedo Donna mondai mo rabu tantei Chika♡ ga Kaiketsu suru wa (IQ3 de mo makasenasai!) Shuki shuki shoki shoki shoki settei (dōn) Ukauka shitetara sugu sotsugyō (fū) Chu ki chu ki dokidoki fōchun terā Itsu da tte dare da tte koi shitara hiroin Chikara no kagiri kagayaku no da (yo) Chika tto Chika tto Chika Chika♡ Shuki shuki shoki shoki Chuki chuki dokidoki Shuki shuki shoki shoki Chuki chuki dokidoki Mori e okaeri♡
User details
User ID 2913186
last login 1 week, 1 day ago
member since on December, 7th, 2021
Keyboard Layout
Words typed 16,140
Tests taken 138
Competitions taken 0 (0)
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