Text Practice Mode
Dvorak Practise - Letters AND SURPRISE KINGDOM HEARTS!!!
created Dec 15th 2016, 03:07 by R Quincy
1613 words
1 completed
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uu hh uhu uuu hhh ueue uuee htht hhtt ueht ueue htht ueo uuoo uuee uuoo htns hhnn hhss hthn hnhn hshs uahs uuaa hhss uuoo uuee uuaa hhss sasa hhnn uuoo uohn uahs uahs uohn uohn ueht htns htns ueoa ueoa sano tehu tehu htht ueue tntn eoeo nsns oaoa uahs uohn hhnn uuoo hhtt uuee ssaa nnoo ttee hhuu uuee ooaa hhtt nnss aoeu snth ssaa nsns oaoa snth tntn htns thth aoeu oeoe ueoa eueu hhuu ttee nnoo ssaa
a, aeons, ah, an, ant, ante, ants, anus, as, ash, ashen, at, ate, atone, atones, aunt, aunts, auto, autos, east, eat, eats, eh, en, ens, eon, eons, eta, etas, ethos, ha, has, haste, hasten, hat, hate, hates, hats, haunt, haunts, he, heat, heats, hen, hens, hes, het, hoe, hoes, hone, hones, honest, hose, host, hosta, hot, hots, housane, house, hue, hues, hunt, hunts, saute, sea, seat, sent, set, seta, she, shoe, shone, shot, shout, shun, shunt, shut, snot, snout, so, son, sot, south, steno, stone, stun, sue, suet, sun, sunhat, ta, tan, tans, tau, taus, tea, teas, ten, tens, than, the, then, thens, those, thou, thous, thus, to, toe, toes, ton, tone, tones, tons, tuna, tunas, tune, tunes, uh, uhs, un, unseat, unset, unto, us, use
pyfg pupu uyuy puyu fhgh fhfh ghgh pupu yuyu puyu puyu fhgh fhgh ghfh puyu fhgh puyu fhgh ghpu ghpu fhgh ghpu yupu yupu yufh pugh fygp fhgh yupu pugh yufh pugh ghfh fhgh puyu yufh fhyu ghpu pypy fgfg fhgh puyu pyfg puyu fhgh upuy hfhg huyf hugp gpyf pugh yufh hghf upuy uyup hfhg gpfy hfhg upuy uphg uyhf hfhg upuy hfhg uyup upuy pyfg gpfy gfpy hgup hfuy ghfh yupu pgyf puyu fhgh pyuh gfhu upuy hfhg pyfg
a, aft, ag, age, agent, agents, ages, an, angst, ant, ante, ants, antsy, any, ape, apes, apt, as, asp, aspen, at, ate, ay, aye, ayes, ays, east, easy, eat, eats, ef, efs, en, ens, eta, etas, fa, fan, fang, fangs, fans, fast, fasten, fat, fate, fates, fats, feast, feat, feats, fen, fens, feta, ganef, ganefs, gap, gape, gapes, gaps, gas, gasp, gate, gates, gay, gayest, gent, gents, get, gets, gnat, gnats, gyps, nag, nags, nap, nape, napes, naps, nasty, nay, nays, neap, neaps, neat, nest, net, nets, pa, page, pages, pan, pane, panes, pang, pangs, pans, pansy, pant, pants, panty, past, paste, pastey, pasty, pat, pate, pats, pay, pays, pen, pens, pent, pents, pest, pesty, pet, pets, safe, safety, spate, spay, spent, spy, stag, stage, stagy, stay, step, sty, stye, ta, tag, tags, tan, tangy, tans, tansy, tap, tape, tapes, taps, tea, teas, ten, tens, type, types, ya, yang, yangs, yap, yaps, ye, yea, yean, yeans, yeas, yeast, yen, yens, yentas, yep, yes, yet
c.id .i.i cdcd .i.i cdcd didi c.c. cdcd .i.i cd.i cd.i cdcd .i.i dic. dcdc .i.i id.c iddi iidd cc.. ii.. ddcc cd.i cd.i ddcc ..ii didi c.c. diid cdi. .cid .cid idid cd.i c.id dic. ctdt ctdt hdhd cthd hdhd uiui e.e. tce. tce. hdui dic. tce. .etc ct.e hdui hdui tce. .ect hdui hdui e.e. tctc ct.e uihd uihd i.ct hdhd uiui tce. tce. hdui hdhd uiui i.ct ct.e etc. uihd idtc idc. e.ct hdui dic. idc. ctdh iu.e
a, ace, aced, ache, ached, acid, acne, acned, ad, adhoc, adieu, ado, ah, ai, aid, aide, an, and, anode, anodic, audio, cad, can, cane, caned, canoe, canoed, cedi, chad, chain, chained, chi, chide, chin, china, cnida, cnidae, coaid, cod, coda, code, coed, coin, coined, con, cone, coned, cud, cue, cued, dance, deacon, dean, den, dice, die, din, dine, dione, do, doe, don, done, douche, due, dunce, dune, duo, each, echidna, echo, eh, en, end, eon, ha, had, hand, he, head, headon, hen, hi, hid, hide, hind, hoe, hoed, hone, honed, hound, hue, hued, ice, iced, icon, id, ide, idea, in, inch, inched, induce, ion, nacho, nice, niche, no, nod, node, nu, nude, ocean, ode, oh, on, once, one, ouch, ounce, uh, un, undo
kxbm ukux ukux hbhm hbhm ukux hbhm ukhb uxhm hbhm hmhm hbhb hbhm ukux ukuk uxux ukux hbhb hmhm hbux hmuk ukux hbhm ukux hbhm hmhb hmhb uxuk ukux uxuk hbhm hbhb hmhm ukuk uxux hbhb uxux hmhm ukuk ukux hbhm hbhd hbhm hbhd ukux uxui uiux hbhd hfhb hmhg hmhg ukup uxuy uxuy ukup hbhf hbhd hdhbhf hmhgh hbhdhf hghfhd hbhmh ukupu uyuiu uxuku ukuyu uyuiu uxuku hbhmh ukuxu uyhf uyhf uihd uxhb hmuk uphg uyhf hbhm ukux
a, ab, abdomen, abide, abmho, abode, abohm, ace, aced, ache, ached, acid, acme, acne, acned, ad, adhoc, admix, ado, adobe, ah, ahem, ai, aid, aide, aim, aimed, akin, am, ambo, amebic, ameboid, amen, amend, amid, amide, amine, amino, amoebic, amok, an, and, anemic, anime, anode, anodic, noxic, ax, axe, axed, axiom, axmen, axon, back, backed,, mace, maced, mach, machine, machined, macho, mad, made, maid, maiden, main, make, man, mane, maned, manic, me, mead, mean, media, median, medic, men, mend, mi, mica, mice, mid, midocean, mince, minced, mind, mine, mined, mink, minx, mix, mixed, moan, moaned, mob, mocha, mock, mocked, mode, monk, nab, nacho, naked, name, named, neck, nib, nice, niche, nick, nicked, nix, nixed, no, nob, nod, node, nomad, nomadic, oak, oaken, ocean, ode, oh, ohm, ohmic, oink, oinked, omen, omni, on, once, one, ox, oxane, oxen, oxhide, oxide,
jqwv ejej oqoq ejoq ejoq qjej twnv twnv wvnv vwtw ejoq qjej twtw nvnv wvjq vwjq qjeq wvnw wjvq vwjq qvjw twnv nvtw nwnw ejej oqoq ovov owow ewev evew owov tjtq jeje qoqo ovow wove weve qoje vewo wowe jeje qoqo qeqe jojo ewov ewov ewtq evoq owew tjej njnj tqoj nvje twnv ejoq ejtw oqoq evev ewew teto twej noqe njtj twtv nvnw ejtw eqej vove wjev eqje ewve wove vewe jwqv twnv qjwv vowe wetq wove qjwv
a, ab, abmho, abohm, above, ah, ahem, ai, aim, am, ambo, amen, amine, amino, an, anew, anime, avow, awe, awn, bam, ban, bane, banjo, be, beam, bean, bemoan, bin, biome, boa, bohemian, bone, bovine, bow, bowman, eh, em, emoji, en, eon, ha, ham, have, haven, haw, he, hem, hen, hew, hewn, hi, hijab, him, hive, hoe, home, hone, hoven, how, in, ion, jab, jam, jamb, jaw, jawbone, jean, jib, jibe, jive, jo, job, join, ma, main, man, mane, maw, me, mean, men, meow, mew, mi, mine, moan, mob, move, movie, mow, mown, nab, naive, name, nave, nevi, new, nib, no, nob, nova, novae, now, oh, ohm, omen, omni, on, one, venom, via, vibe, vie, view, vim, vine, vow, waive, wan, wane, wave, we, wean, web, wham, when, whim, whine, who, whoa, whom, win, wine, wive, woe, woman, womb, women, won, wove, woven
rlz, rlz, rnrn lsls o,o, szsz lzsl o,nr nrnr slsl szsz o,o, rlz, rlzl nrsl nro, nszl nszl nrnr slsl o,o, szsz zlzs lsrn o,sz nrsl szo, nro, nrsl szo, nrl, rl,z lz,o nrsl o,sz nrsl rlsz rnls rn,o o,zl slzs nrsz slzs nrnz nro, nr,z rl,n nrsl slsz nrsl slo, nro, rnlz so,z szls nrnr o,o, nrsz slzs nro, nrlz rl,o rzl, rzl, rnls szo, rnls szls nrsl nrsl zso, lsr, zlr, nrz, nznl rlz, rlz,
Surprise Below!
Standing on the bridge, he looked up to see a large, dark cloud hovering over the island shore. He looked down at the boats tied to the pier to see that his two friends had already arrived at the scene. He felt his body tense, feeling the danger before he saw the dark creatures from his dream come up from the floor. He readied himself to attack, his only defence his wooden sword.
“Come and get me.” It wasn't long before he realised he was doing them no damage. Even in his dream, he'd been better prepared. His sword had been metal then. Catching a glimpse of a lone figure across the bridge, he rushed toward it, dodging each small black creature as he ran. Catching himself up short as he realised it was Riku, he gasped out: “Where's Kairi?! I thought she was with you!”
Again, Riku was floored by the truth. Sora did not care for him as much as he did the petite brunette. All he could offer in response was: “The door has opened.”
“What?” Riku knew Sora wouldn't understand. Even so, he repeated himself.
“The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!”
“What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi!” It took all of his self-restraint to bite back his sharp retort. Kairi didn't matter—not really. Still, he knew Sora would not leave unless she were coming, too.
“Kairi's coming with us!” He looked down, knowing this next part was what may keep Sora from following him into the universe beyond. “Once we step through, we may not be able to come back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us!” In one final, horribly brash outburst, Riku exclaimed: “I'm not afraid of the darkness!” He extended his hand toward the boy he'd grown to care for, begging with his eyes for him to take it.
“Riku...” He saw the hesitation in Sora's eyes, even as he allowed the darkness beneath his feet to pull him down and begin to consume him. That sight spurred Sora to action. He hurried to Riku's aid, afraid that if he didn't, Riku would be lost to him forever. As soon as he got near, the darkness began to swallow him up, too, wrapping its thick tendrils around his body. Knowing they would both be going, he reached for Riku's hand, hoping that they'd at least manage to go together, wherever they landed; but the darkness was unforgiving, it tightened its grip on him, pulling him away from Riku's still-outstretched hand.
They never touched.
a, aeons, ah, an, ant, ante, ants, anus, as, ash, ashen, at, ate, atone, atones, aunt, aunts, auto, autos, east, eat, eats, eh, en, ens, eon, eons, eta, etas, ethos, ha, has, haste, hasten, hat, hate, hates, hats, haunt, haunts, he, heat, heats, hen, hens, hes, het, hoe, hoes, hone, hones, honest, hose, host, hosta, hot, hots, housane, house, hue, hues, hunt, hunts, saute, sea, seat, sent, set, seta, she, shoe, shone, shot, shout, shun, shunt, shut, snot, snout, so, son, sot, south, steno, stone, stun, sue, suet, sun, sunhat, ta, tan, tans, tau, taus, tea, teas, ten, tens, than, the, then, thens, those, thou, thous, thus, to, toe, toes, ton, tone, tones, tons, tuna, tunas, tune, tunes, uh, uhs, un, unseat, unset, unto, us, use
pyfg pupu uyuy puyu fhgh fhfh ghgh pupu yuyu puyu puyu fhgh fhgh ghfh puyu fhgh puyu fhgh ghpu ghpu fhgh ghpu yupu yupu yufh pugh fygp fhgh yupu pugh yufh pugh ghfh fhgh puyu yufh fhyu ghpu pypy fgfg fhgh puyu pyfg puyu fhgh upuy hfhg huyf hugp gpyf pugh yufh hghf upuy uyup hfhg gpfy hfhg upuy uphg uyhf hfhg upuy hfhg uyup upuy pyfg gpfy gfpy hgup hfuy ghfh yupu pgyf puyu fhgh pyuh gfhu upuy hfhg pyfg
a, aft, ag, age, agent, agents, ages, an, angst, ant, ante, ants, antsy, any, ape, apes, apt, as, asp, aspen, at, ate, ay, aye, ayes, ays, east, easy, eat, eats, ef, efs, en, ens, eta, etas, fa, fan, fang, fangs, fans, fast, fasten, fat, fate, fates, fats, feast, feat, feats, fen, fens, feta, ganef, ganefs, gap, gape, gapes, gaps, gas, gasp, gate, gates, gay, gayest, gent, gents, get, gets, gnat, gnats, gyps, nag, nags, nap, nape, napes, naps, nasty, nay, nays, neap, neaps, neat, nest, net, nets, pa, page, pages, pan, pane, panes, pang, pangs, pans, pansy, pant, pants, panty, past, paste, pastey, pasty, pat, pate, pats, pay, pays, pen, pens, pent, pents, pest, pesty, pet, pets, safe, safety, spate, spay, spent, spy, stag, stage, stagy, stay, step, sty, stye, ta, tag, tags, tan, tangy, tans, tansy, tap, tape, tapes, taps, tea, teas, ten, tens, type, types, ya, yang, yangs, yap, yaps, ye, yea, yean, yeans, yeas, yeast, yen, yens, yentas, yep, yes, yet
c.id .i.i cdcd .i.i cdcd didi c.c. cdcd .i.i cd.i cd.i cdcd .i.i dic. dcdc .i.i id.c iddi iidd cc.. ii.. ddcc cd.i cd.i ddcc ..ii didi c.c. diid cdi. .cid .cid idid cd.i c.id dic. ctdt ctdt hdhd cthd hdhd uiui e.e. tce. tce. hdui dic. tce. .etc ct.e hdui hdui tce. .ect hdui hdui e.e. tctc ct.e uihd uihd i.ct hdhd uiui tce. tce. hdui hdhd uiui i.ct ct.e etc. uihd idtc idc. e.ct hdui dic. idc. ctdh iu.e
a, ace, aced, ache, ached, acid, acne, acned, ad, adhoc, adieu, ado, ah, ai, aid, aide, an, and, anode, anodic, audio, cad, can, cane, caned, canoe, canoed, cedi, chad, chain, chained, chi, chide, chin, china, cnida, cnidae, coaid, cod, coda, code, coed, coin, coined, con, cone, coned, cud, cue, cued, dance, deacon, dean, den, dice, die, din, dine, dione, do, doe, don, done, douche, due, dunce, dune, duo, each, echidna, echo, eh, en, end, eon, ha, had, hand, he, head, headon, hen, hi, hid, hide, hind, hoe, hoed, hone, honed, hound, hue, hued, ice, iced, icon, id, ide, idea, in, inch, inched, induce, ion, nacho, nice, niche, no, nod, node, nu, nude, ocean, ode, oh, on, once, one, ouch, ounce, uh, un, undo
kxbm ukux ukux hbhm hbhm ukux hbhm ukhb uxhm hbhm hmhm hbhb hbhm ukux ukuk uxux ukux hbhb hmhm hbux hmuk ukux hbhm ukux hbhm hmhb hmhb uxuk ukux uxuk hbhm hbhb hmhm ukuk uxux hbhb uxux hmhm ukuk ukux hbhm hbhd hbhm hbhd ukux uxui uiux hbhd hfhb hmhg hmhg ukup uxuy uxuy ukup hbhf hbhd hdhbhf hmhgh hbhdhf hghfhd hbhmh ukupu uyuiu uxuku ukuyu uyuiu uxuku hbhmh ukuxu uyhf uyhf uihd uxhb hmuk uphg uyhf hbhm ukux
a, ab, abdomen, abide, abmho, abode, abohm, ace, aced, ache, ached, acid, acme, acne, acned, ad, adhoc, admix, ado, adobe, ah, ahem, ai, aid, aide, aim, aimed, akin, am, ambo, amebic, ameboid, amen, amend, amid, amide, amine, amino, amoebic, amok, an, and, anemic, anime, anode, anodic, noxic, ax, axe, axed, axiom, axmen, axon, back, backed,, mace, maced, mach, machine, machined, macho, mad, made, maid, maiden, main, make, man, mane, maned, manic, me, mead, mean, media, median, medic, men, mend, mi, mica, mice, mid, midocean, mince, minced, mind, mine, mined, mink, minx, mix, mixed, moan, moaned, mob, mocha, mock, mocked, mode, monk, nab, nacho, naked, name, named, neck, nib, nice, niche, nick, nicked, nix, nixed, no, nob, nod, node, nomad, nomadic, oak, oaken, ocean, ode, oh, ohm, ohmic, oink, oinked, omen, omni, on, once, one, ox, oxane, oxen, oxhide, oxide,
jqwv ejej oqoq ejoq ejoq qjej twnv twnv wvnv vwtw ejoq qjej twtw nvnv wvjq vwjq qjeq wvnw wjvq vwjq qvjw twnv nvtw nwnw ejej oqoq ovov owow ewev evew owov tjtq jeje qoqo ovow wove weve qoje vewo wowe jeje qoqo qeqe jojo ewov ewov ewtq evoq owew tjej njnj tqoj nvje twnv ejoq ejtw oqoq evev ewew teto twej noqe njtj twtv nvnw ejtw eqej vove wjev eqje ewve wove vewe jwqv twnv qjwv vowe wetq wove qjwv
a, ab, abmho, abohm, above, ah, ahem, ai, aim, am, ambo, amen, amine, amino, an, anew, anime, avow, awe, awn, bam, ban, bane, banjo, be, beam, bean, bemoan, bin, biome, boa, bohemian, bone, bovine, bow, bowman, eh, em, emoji, en, eon, ha, ham, have, haven, haw, he, hem, hen, hew, hewn, hi, hijab, him, hive, hoe, home, hone, hoven, how, in, ion, jab, jam, jamb, jaw, jawbone, jean, jib, jibe, jive, jo, job, join, ma, main, man, mane, maw, me, mean, men, meow, mew, mi, mine, moan, mob, move, movie, mow, mown, nab, naive, name, nave, nevi, new, nib, no, nob, nova, novae, now, oh, ohm, omen, omni, on, one, venom, via, vibe, vie, view, vim, vine, vow, waive, wan, wane, wave, we, wean, web, wham, when, whim, whine, who, whoa, whom, win, wine, wive, woe, woman, womb, women, won, wove, woven
rlz, rlz, rnrn lsls o,o, szsz lzsl o,nr nrnr slsl szsz o,o, rlz, rlzl nrsl nro, nszl nszl nrnr slsl o,o, szsz zlzs lsrn o,sz nrsl szo, nro, nrsl szo, nrl, rl,z lz,o nrsl o,sz nrsl rlsz rnls rn,o o,zl slzs nrsz slzs nrnz nro, nr,z rl,n nrsl slsz nrsl slo, nro, rnlz so,z szls nrnr o,o, nrsz slzs nro, nrlz rl,o rzl, rzl, rnls szo, rnls szls nrsl nrsl zso, lsr, zlr, nrz, nznl rlz, rlz,
Surprise Below!
Standing on the bridge, he looked up to see a large, dark cloud hovering over the island shore. He looked down at the boats tied to the pier to see that his two friends had already arrived at the scene. He felt his body tense, feeling the danger before he saw the dark creatures from his dream come up from the floor. He readied himself to attack, his only defence his wooden sword.
“Come and get me.” It wasn't long before he realised he was doing them no damage. Even in his dream, he'd been better prepared. His sword had been metal then. Catching a glimpse of a lone figure across the bridge, he rushed toward it, dodging each small black creature as he ran. Catching himself up short as he realised it was Riku, he gasped out: “Where's Kairi?! I thought she was with you!”
Again, Riku was floored by the truth. Sora did not care for him as much as he did the petite brunette. All he could offer in response was: “The door has opened.”
“What?” Riku knew Sora wouldn't understand. Even so, he repeated himself.
“The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!”
“What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi!” It took all of his self-restraint to bite back his sharp retort. Kairi didn't matter—not really. Still, he knew Sora would not leave unless she were coming, too.
“Kairi's coming with us!” He looked down, knowing this next part was what may keep Sora from following him into the universe beyond. “Once we step through, we may not be able to come back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us!” In one final, horribly brash outburst, Riku exclaimed: “I'm not afraid of the darkness!” He extended his hand toward the boy he'd grown to care for, begging with his eyes for him to take it.
“Riku...” He saw the hesitation in Sora's eyes, even as he allowed the darkness beneath his feet to pull him down and begin to consume him. That sight spurred Sora to action. He hurried to Riku's aid, afraid that if he didn't, Riku would be lost to him forever. As soon as he got near, the darkness began to swallow him up, too, wrapping its thick tendrils around his body. Knowing they would both be going, he reached for Riku's hand, hoping that they'd at least manage to go together, wherever they landed; but the darkness was unforgiving, it tightened its grip on him, pulling him away from Riku's still-outstretched hand.
They never touched.