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cc: hearing voices x 15 days
hpi: 15 yo F c/o hearing voices for 15 days. Sometimes don’t understand, sometimes
understand the voice give orders to kill her father with a gun (didn't buy one, don’t have
money), thinks is the voice of God. It is intermittent 2-3x/day, last 6 or more hours.
Affecting school performance negatively.
Says mood is good, but cry sometimes. High energy level. Sleep only 2 hours day.
Increased sexual desire, has multiple partners don’t use condoms. Appetite is increased, -
guilty feelings, low concentration, - hair skin changes, - tremors, - headache, -
fever/chills/night seats.
Alls: amoxicilin causes rash
Meds: none
PMH: no similar episode. in the past, no injuries, surgeries, known illness
SH: drinks 3-4 glass distilled occasionally CAGE 2/4, uses cocaine and extasy last use
no acutes distress
HEENT: PERRLA, a traumatic
NEURO: AOx3, good judgement, recall 3 objects, log term memory ok, strength 5/5 all ext,
CN 2-12 intact, DTR: +2 B/L, fundoscopy= no papilledema
hpi: 15 yo F c/o hearing voices for 15 days. Sometimes don’t understand, sometimes
understand the voice give orders to kill her father with a gun (didn't buy one, don’t have
money), thinks is the voice of God. It is intermittent 2-3x/day, last 6 or more hours.
Affecting school performance negatively.
Says mood is good, but cry sometimes. High energy level. Sleep only 2 hours day.
Increased sexual desire, has multiple partners don’t use condoms. Appetite is increased, -
guilty feelings, low concentration, - hair skin changes, - tremors, - headache, -
fever/chills/night seats.
Alls: amoxicilin causes rash
Meds: none
PMH: no similar episode. in the past, no injuries, surgeries, known illness
SH: drinks 3-4 glass distilled occasionally CAGE 2/4, uses cocaine and extasy last use
no acutes distress
HEENT: PERRLA, a traumatic
NEURO: AOx3, good judgement, recall 3 objects, log term memory ok, strength 5/5 all ext,
CN 2-12 intact, DTR: +2 B/L, fundoscopy= no papilledema