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There were this three new girls to the school and there names were Daiosha, Dashell, and D'Asia they didn't know their way around the school so they ask other kids but the popular kids didn't have anything to say to them because they were new but one of the popular girls and boys help them around the school and when they kept on helping they all became friends and the three new girls didn't care that they were popular they didn't ditch them because they weren't popular they introduces them to all their friends. The other popular kids said that Devin and Dalia couldn't be in their popular crew no more because they are hanging out with Daiosha, Dashell, and D'Asia so that's when Devin and Dalia said that they didn't wanted to be popular anymore because all they did was pick on the new kids and the younger kids. So Devin, Dalia, Daiosha, Dashell and D'Asia were friends forever and nobody couldn't break them up.