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Ban on Pornography

created Jun 22nd 2016, 06:04 by renumeena



1322 words
10 completed
Pornography is the depiction of erotic behaviour (as in picture or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement and depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense sexual reaction.
In the 60s and 70s, debates over pornography mirrored the counter-culture's clash with conservative encounter, the Liberal argues that there already exist laws to protect people from violence and children from business getting in the way of people's freedom of expression and that the government has no business in democracy. Moral beliefs about sex should not be used to censor individual tastes whereas Conservative demands it should be banned.  
There are billions of people (children, teenagers, youth and Old) who are connected from virtual and elusive world of internet. Porn contains that real. It gives a very false image of a very natural process. Porn has long lasting fanciful effects which directly and indirectly are responsible for instigating men to dishonour women. Also, the brutality involved in many rape cases takes its birth from these are many incidents and archaeological sites like Khajuraho temples which present these contents in a very open manner. But these archaeological sites stand testimony to the kind of culture, we propagate and perpetuate. When it comes to morality, it can be felt that Indian morality gets qualified by uncertainty. The link between pornography and crime moves the issue from a personal concern with moral conduct to a legal concern with civil protection. Robin Morgan's (an American poet, author, political theorist and radical activist) phrase,"pornography is the theory, rape is the practice,even without practice, theory can exist." captures the explicit link between production of pornography and violence against woman. Porn-industry has most devastating impact on the women. What porn does is to present woman as commodity for consumption thus purging the humanity attached to women? Women trafficking, sex slavery, violence against women, rapes and brutal murders thus become a natural outcome. The impact is not limited to women only. Youth who are its consumer base waste their energy in unproductive work. The impact on their moral and ethical fibres is beyond reconstruction. Love gets replaced by lust, care with cruelty and humanity with bestiality. What proponent of individual right forget is the women in porn are mother, sister or daughter of somebody. If they disregard and disrespect other women, how can they demand the respect for their own women? Hence security of entire society would be in peril. Moreover, any individual right can't be above the societal rights. Even our own fundamental right are restricted by decency and morality clause. Simultaneously our fundamental duties demands from us to respect women and renounce practice derogatory to the dignity of women. Flesh trade is one of the oldest yet most disparaging businesses which are bereft of even the minutest streak of humanity. Porn industry has not only glamorised this business but also increased its reach to every nook and corner of society. Four south Indian states-Kerala, karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu account for almost 60% of the pornography cases booked in the country in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Kerala tops the table with 386 cases, while Maharashtra comes in second with 199 cases in the three-year period, according to information accessed form the ministry of home affairs. Kerala, the most literate state in the country, has a huge lead over others in the country when it comes to uploading obscene stories and photos on the internet, as per data from the police. In the year 2012, nearly 25 percent of cases registered for uploading pornographic materials were from Kerala. As many 589 cases were registered in India for uploading lewd videos and images, last year. The highest numbers of cases are registered against children are for misusing social networking sites. Several people use it for taking revenge or breaking up marriages. The much promoted computer literacy is now backfiring with a large number of people including school children getting involved in cyber crimes. If we look at the school students mainly in metropolitan areas, majority of them would be carrying most advanced mobile phones having internet facilities. The parents and teachers should not buy mobile phones for minor children. Besides, teachers should take action against the school students who bring mobile phones to school. The catastrophic materials on internet distort the fragile mind brain of children and teenagers. It must be controlled. though banning porn is as infringement of as individual's privacy, but if we look at the greater good of society, it surely is a better choice than letting porn continues. Hence, in the interest of women, society and for the evolution of a common culture for the nation, porn must be banned.  
In this regarding the government of India has given the list of 857 websites it considers pornographic to internet service providers (ISPs) and has banned access to them at least. This came after the Supreme Court refused to order a ban on pornographic websites saying such as order would impinge freedom. Before this, Supreme Court has told that little had been done to prevent child pornography, which is illegal, from being accessed on the web. It is remarkable that even educated and gentle people also see these pornographic websites and they do not become lustful or rapist generally but the effect of their cultural structures plays a pivotal role in influence of pornography. It is notable that Supreme Court has expressed a serious concern in this regarding and told that this problem is related to each class  of our society while hearing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by a lawyer seeking a curb on pornographic sites on the internet, particularly those showing child pornography.  
Last month, while hearing a petition to ban all  pornographic sites, chief justice of Supreme Court HL Dattu had said, "Such interim orders cannot be passed by this court. Somebody can come to the court and say 'Look, I am an adult and how can you stop me from watching it within the four walls of my room? It is a violation of Article 21 (right to personal liberty) of the Constitution. Yes the issue is serious and some steps need to be taken. The Centre will take." However, the Centre looks determined to ban porn based on its factually wrong views. But given the information of age, can porn be banned? While whether porn can entirely be banned or not is a debate for another day, India definitely needs porn to stay.  
Discussing sex in India is taboo. Even the mere mention of the word raises many eyebrows. Parents, who ideally, should have sensitive conversations with their children over sex, hardly engage. Therefore, in such a conservative cultural scenario, porn serves as a source of information for teenagers about sex and its various intricacies. Satisfying teenagers' curiosity about sex is important and therefore providing sex education if critical. But the Indian government is opposed even to sex education, as was made clear last year by Union minister Harshvardhan.  
In 2013, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court seeking a ban on porn, citing it as a major cause for crimes against women,which is believed to be the reasoning behind banning porn by the government. However, there is ample evidence that banning porn doesn't lower crime rates. Arundhati Ghosh, a woman activists said, "The more repressed a society is, the more the acts of sexual violence. If you see examples of Congo, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India these are places where sexuality is not out in the open and acts of sexual violence are high". Furthermore, research studies in the Czech Republic, Denmark and Japan established that with increasing availability of pornography there was a significant decrease in the number of sex offences.  
The Indian government directed internet services providers to restore access to those among 857 banned porn and humour websites that did not feature child pornographic contents.  
The effort to completely ban pornography

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