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How to ride a bike
created Sep 6th 2014, 11:35 by Graham
194 words
123 completed
Rating: 3.84
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First thing's first, you need to find a bike. Now try to find a safe flat area, such as a sidewalk, quiet street, back lane, drive way, or parking lot. Just make sure nothing is in your way, like traffic, people, or other bikers. Now before you get on your bike you're going to want to put on your helmet. Any helmet will do, just make sure it fits. Now get on the bike and make sure the seat is at the right hight, and make sure you can reach the handle bars and breaks with ease and comfort. Now you're ready to ride! Just put both of your feet on the pedals, and start moving them in a circular motion. What usually helps is if you give yourself a little push to get your self started. Now you would think there's more to know, but that's pretty much all there is to it! You just need to practice practice practice. Keep trying over and over again, no matter how many times you fall down, because before you know it you'll be riding like a pro. So good luck, be safe and have fun!