
Text Practice Mode


created Saturday March 01, 07:30 by sandhya shrivatri



524 words
384 completed
Time is one of the most precious assets of life which helps a human to lay the foundation of success. The difference in the ability toutilize time defines the underlying impact between the success and failures of individuals. This is where time management comesinto the picture given its immense importance. It is often defined as the practice of managing work and daily tasks in an effectivemanner. When a person starts practicing the art of time management his tasks become more organized and punctual. The value oftime management has been well established and accepted by everyone across the globe ever since human civilizations started. benefits of time management have motivated people to adopt time management as a part of their daily routine. Thisis why managing time well has become a prerequisite for everyone especially in the prevailing competitive times. Timemanagement is vital for everyone from students to CEOs and even political leaders to do well in their lives. Few of the commonreasons for why people experience failure include lack of time management skills that is the inability to plan a task and absence ofpunctuality. These point out that most of the reasons are related to mismanagement of time in the personal as well as professionallives of people. It is a widely known fact that efficient managers of time minimize their chances of defeats in the pursuit of life.Those who do not value time enough are more likely to fail repeatedly. To substantiate the fact losing time can be so much similarto losing a lifetime opportunity here is an example of a true incident. Kay Whitmore the CEO of Kodak fell asleep during ameeting with Bill Gates where discussions were taking place to integrate Kodak products and Windows. Because of this lazinessand complacency he failed to realize the potential of the digital world and lost out on a potential deal with Microsoft that wouldhave changed the fortunes of Kodak. This example goes down in history as one of the greatest lost opportunities and failures attime management. He had the time and the opportunity but instead of giving his best he chose to sleep. The next step afterrealizing the importance of time management is to look at ways or practices an individual can adapt to enhance this skill. Thepractices for boosting time efficiency are similar for all whether it be a student or a businessman. The ways to master the art oftime management are universal and can be applied in every vertical of life. In addition to these little changes in the personality ofa person or behaviour can make him a far more productive person. To conclude people of all ages and professions must value thepriceless asset of time. It is evident that time management is a necessity for everyone and is applicable to all spheres of human life.The mismanagement of time can lead to failures. On the other hand managing time well offers great returns. Furthermore thereare numerous and easy ways in which an individual can learn time management and achieve goals with hiked productivity. Thusit would not be wrong to say that time management is inclusive of managing time as well as managing productivity.

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