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TOEFL Writing First Task Practice #9

created Feb 23rd, 04:55 by Hussain Ahmadi



321 words
157 completed
The reading passage presents three possible explanations for the disappearance of the Roanoke Colony: an attack by Native Americans, assimilation into a nearby tribe, or an epidemic. However, the professor in the lecture disputes these theories, arguing that none of them fully explain the mystery.
First, the reading suggests that hostile Native American tribes may have attacked and wiped out the colony. The professor challenges this theory by pointing out that no archaeological evidence, such as burned structures or battle remains, has been found at the site. If a violent attack had taken place, there would likely be clear signs of destruction, yet none exist. Instead, the abandoned settlement appeared to have been peacefully vacated.
Second, the reading proposes that the colonists may have integrated into a nearby Native American tribe, as some later explorers reported seeing Native Americans with European features. However, the professor argues that no solid evidence supports this claim. He states that while cultural exchange between colonists and Native Americans did occur, there is no direct proof that the Roanoke settlers fully assimilated. Additionally, no European-style artifacts or tools have been discovered in Native American settlements from that period.
Finally, the reading suggests that an epidemic, such as a disease brought by the Europeans, may have wiped out the colony. The professor refutes this by explaining that if a disease had killed the settlers, their bodies would likely have been found near the site. However, no mass graves or skeletal remains have been uncovered. Furthermore, diseases would not have caused all colonists to disappear without a trace; some survivors would have likely remained.
In conclusion, while the reading presents three theories to explain the disappearance of the Roanoke Colony, the professor disputes them by arguing that there is no evidence of an attack, no definitive proof of assimilation, and no signs of an epidemic. Instead, he suggests that the true cause of the colony’s disappearance remains unknown.

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