Text Practice Mode
some words english
created Feb 10th, 14:05 by Ankit Bais
61 words
37 completed
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the quick brown fox jumpes over the lazy dog another mother amrica India all friend are good but his to much his crazzy by no ti's all about what you think all all over let's go no hard words
Bureaucracy Conscientious
Deceve Embarrassment
Flabbergasted Government government
Handkerchief handkerchief Liaison miscellaneous nomenclature oneomeatopoeia Phenomenon
Qestionnaire Rhythm Subtle Unnecessary Juxtaposition inefficiency
Bureaucracy Conscientious
Deceve Embarrassment
Flabbergasted Government government
Handkerchief handkerchief Liaison miscellaneous nomenclature oneomeatopoeia Phenomenon
Qestionnaire Rhythm Subtle Unnecessary Juxtaposition inefficiency