
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 8th, 06:33 by sandhya shrivatri



515 words
48 completed
Out of the three organs of the government, the executive is responsible for implementing the policies and laws approved by the legislature. But not all countries can have the same type of executive.  Mainly the distinction of parliamentary and presidential as a type of government is based on the different types of executive and the relationship between the executive and the legislature. In a constitution in which the executive is accountable to the legislature for its functions and tenure, the members of the executive must also be members of the legislature and the president of the nation and the head of the government are separate, this system is called parliamentary or parliamentary system. Examples of parliamentary system are Japan, Germany, Italy Britain  India etc. In contrast, in a presidential system, the President is the head of both the state and the government.      And he is the focal point of all the powers of the government. America, Brazil etc. are examples of presidential system. Whereas France, Russia, Sri Lanka etc. are countries with semi-presidential system. Parliamentary system has been arranged in India, in which the President is the formal and constitutional head of the executive. And the Council of Ministers under the leadership of the Prime Minister is the real executive.
Although the office of the President is considered an office of dignity and prestige. He is considered the first citizen of the country and holds the highest position in the order of preference.  of the Constitution provides for the office of the President According to which there will be a President of India. According to , the executive power of the Union shall be vested in the President, which shall be exercised by him either by himself or by officers subordinate to him. The election system of the President is mentioned in  of the Constitution. According to  the President shall be elected by an electoral college consisting of elected members of both the Houses of Parliament, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, and the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States. In this way the President is elected indirectly. These elections are held by a special method, which is called the single transferable vote method of proportional representation. through secretly.
In this method, to be victorious, the candidate has to get one vote more than half of the total valid votes cast. This is called minimum quota. The President is elected for a term of five years. and may contest for re-election. The President can at any time give his resignation letter addressed to the Vice President. The President can also be removed from office by the process of impeachment on charges of abuse of powers, misconduct, violation of the Constitution, Which is described in Article 61 of the Constitution. This impeachment can be brought by either House of the Parliament after notifying the President at  days in advance. The impeachment motion must be passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of the House.

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