
Text Practice Mode


created Jan 31st, 04:18 by Nitin tkg



214 words
38 completed
Once there was a race going on. A tortoise and a Hare participated when the hare started to run faster. After a while, the hare stopped near a tree and looked back. He couldn't find the tortoise anywhere near him. He thought that the tortoise was lagging. So he started to sleep under the tree. When he woke up, he couldn't see the tortoise. He started to run again towards the final point. But when he got there, he was surprised. The race was already finished. The tortoise has reached there before him. The tortoise has won the game, even if he was the slowest one. passing through a jungle. Out of a sudden, a bear appeared. One of the two friends quickly climbed the tree nearby. But the second friend did not know how to Climb a Tree. He was startled. The bear slowly approached him. But suddenly, he remembered that the bear did not touch the dead bodies. He lay down breathless and closed his eyes. The beer started to sniff around him and left the place. Then the first friend came down and asked the second friend what the bear had whispered to his ears. The second friend said the beer advised him not to make friends with selfish people post.

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