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Toefl_Writing for an Academic Discussion
created Jan 26th, 09:07 by geetfle
164 words
119 completed
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In my opinion, STEM subjects should be prioritized over liberal art subjects. My personal belief is that students who are proficient in STEM subjects tend to get better jobs. For example, while in university, I studied computer programming, and when I graduated, I was offered over $200,000 per year to work in cyber security. The salary was so high because the demand was constantly increasing. In contrast, the number of available teaching or art history jobs remains relatively the same.
Additionally, a solid STEM background is required to use simple day-to-day products because technology is advancing rapidly. In fact, the average smartphone has many advanced programs, such as photo and video editing, which require basic technological know-how. Moreover, new programs like ChatGPT can allow people with a STEM background to take full advantage of the rapidly developing features in the field
of AI.
Additionally, a solid STEM background is required to use simple day-to-day products because technology is advancing rapidly. In fact, the average smartphone has many advanced programs, such as photo and video editing, which require basic technological know-how. Moreover, new programs like ChatGPT can allow people with a STEM background to take full advantage of the rapidly developing features in the field
of AI.