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Speech of hon. Home Minister

created Jan 24th, 14:26 by Seema Bana



379 words
23 completed
Sir, you are aware that on every occasion and whenever the report of the Union Public Service Commission was debated in this House, we had the advice of the House and I am very happy to point out that gradually whatever difficulties there were in the way of the working between the Union Public Service Commission on the one hand and of the Gov. of India on the other hand, have all been removed and clearly stated that there was no case in which the Commission's advice was not accepted by the Gov. during the year under report. May I point out here that the general policy that the Gov. have been following in this respect was to accept the commission's advice whenever a reference has been made to them? Here, we have a statutory body which has been called upon to carry out certain functions and therefore, the Gov. are anxious to accept their views on the fullest extent, tough what they do naturally under the terms of the Constitution to give advice, advice that they tender the Gov.  That is a factor which has to be noted in this connection.
I would not like to deal with the very illuminating Report of the U.P.S.C. Their task has naturally been growing year after year and I would point out information for the House that during the last year under report, they had examined candidates to the tune of 62000. so many candidates had appeared at various examinations. There are a number of services, twelve in all, so far as the Central Services are concerned and two all India services are also concerned. In respect of them, we have a competitive examination held every year and we accept their recommendations and make appointments thereupon. They have pointed out that in this year the number has increased by 6000 over the number for last year. They have also further dealt with the lists of qualified candidates they had supplied. Incidentally, we might also note that the number of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe candidates has been increasing thought I must confess that it is increasing at a slow pace. This question was discussed by this House the Other day when there was a debate on the Report of the Commission.

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