Text Practice Mode
challenging words
created Jan 20th, 06:28 by Jamil Nanji
69 words
26 completed
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Practice, courage, tenacity, growth, perception, betterment, normalcy.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z now I know my abc's, next time won't you type with me...
Use the ring finger to type the period... and use your middle finger to hit the comma, like that, and like that.
Period. Period. Period.
Comma, Comma, Comma,
Always end a sentence with a period. Small sentences. Or even endless, long, tedious, and overwhelming sentences with long words like Mississippi antiparasitic or antiseborrheic. Do we get the point?
Thank you for trying this typing test. I hope it was pleasurable and challenging.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z now I know my abc's, next time won't you type with me...
Use the ring finger to type the period... and use your middle finger to hit the comma, like that, and like that.
Period. Period. Period.
Comma, Comma, Comma,
Always end a sentence with a period. Small sentences. Or even endless, long, tedious, and overwhelming sentences with long words like Mississippi antiparasitic or antiseborrheic. Do we get the point?
Thank you for trying this typing test. I hope it was pleasurable and challenging.