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created Jan 15th, 12:42 by Ramnaresh Patel AYAMRAM
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The Government constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri S. Sundar, Former Secretary (MoST) in the year 2005 to deliberate and make recommendations on creation of a dedicated body on road safety and traffic management. The Committee was also subsequently requested to finalize a draft National Road Safety Policy for consideration of the Government. The Committee while submitting its report in February, 2007 inter alia, recommended a draft National Road Safety Policy. Based on the recommendations of Sunder Committee, the Union Cabinet on 15.03.2010 approved National Road Safety Policy. The National Road Safety Policy outlines the policy initiatives to be framed / taken by the Government at all levels to improve the road safety activities in the country. The National Road Safety Policy is as under:- Road safety rules are a set of guidelines that help to keep people safe while using the road. These rules apply to drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Always wear a seat belt and make sure everyone in the vehicle is wearing one. Obey speed limits and adjust your speed for road conditions. Follow traffic lights, signs, and road markings. Avoid using your phone while driving. The Government of India is deeply concerned about the growth in the number of road accidents, injuries and fatalities in recent years. It recognizes that road accidents have now become a major public health issue, and the victims are mainly the poor and vulnerable road users. In the light of this, the Government of India, through this National Road Safety Policy, states its commitment to bring about a significant reduction in mortality and morbidity resulting from road accidents. The Government would increase its efforts to promote awareness about the various aspects of road safety, the social and economic implications of road accidents and what needs to be done to curb the rising menace of road accidents. This would enable and empower the different stakeholders to play a meaningful role in promoting road safety. Road safety rules are important to follow to reduce the risk of accidents. Here are some road safety rules for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists