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Vocabulary builder: Inquiry
created Jan 7th, 19:22 by hui5443
139 words
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Inquiry: question; formal investigation; request for information
An inquiry is the act of seeking information, clarification, or investigation into a particular subject or issue. It involves asking questions, researching, or exploring a topic to gather knowledge or solve a problem. Inquiries can be formal or informal and may occur in various settings, such as academic research, legal investigations, or customer service situations. The purpose of an inquiry is to understand something more deeply or resolve uncertainty.
Example sentences:
The police launched an inquiry into the cause of the fire.
She made an inquiry at the front desk about the availability of rooms.
The professor encouraged students to conduct an inquiry into the effects of climate change.
The company's customer service department handled the inquiry about the delayed shipment.
An official inquiry was held to investigate the allegations of misconduct.
An inquiry is the act of seeking information, clarification, or investigation into a particular subject or issue. It involves asking questions, researching, or exploring a topic to gather knowledge or solve a problem. Inquiries can be formal or informal and may occur in various settings, such as academic research, legal investigations, or customer service situations. The purpose of an inquiry is to understand something more deeply or resolve uncertainty.
Example sentences:
The police launched an inquiry into the cause of the fire.
She made an inquiry at the front desk about the availability of rooms.
The professor encouraged students to conduct an inquiry into the effects of climate change.
The company's customer service department handled the inquiry about the delayed shipment.
An official inquiry was held to investigate the allegations of misconduct.