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created Jan 7th, 10:39 by Ramnaresh Patel AYAMRAM



361 words
21 completed
The building is constructed in brick-lime with ornamental towers and cornices.  The architecture of the building is mixed baroque and oriental.  The arches as well as the bastions at the corner are ornamental. The owner was gracious enough to give the said building to the erstwhile Government for purposes of Government Offices on a nominal monthly rent of Re.1/- only.  Before formation of the new State of Madhya Pradesh the building housed the Collector's Office, Law Courts and Treasury.  Later on, it is said that the building was completely donated to the Government.  On 1st November, 1956, when the present State of Madhya Pradesh was formed, Jabalpur was chosen as the Principal Seat of the High Court.  Consequently, the said building was selected and approved by late Hon'ble Shri Justice M. Hidayatullah, first Chief Justice of new Madhya Pradesh, for the High Court.  Some additional space was provided to accommodate more court rooms but due care was taken to seen that it did not disturb the original architecture. In this building there are 14 court rooms including the court room of Hon'ble the Chief Justice.  The State Government on the recommendation of Hon'ble the Chief Justice sanctioned extension of this building at the cost of more than Rupees three crores.  Consequently, the construction work of North and South Block has been completed and handed over to High Court.  South Block consists of big Conference Hall on the first floor having sitting capacity of three to four hundred persons as also two court rooms with chambers on the ground floor.  North Block consists of four court rooms with chambers (two on the ground floor and two on the first floor). To collect, preserve, and exhibit artifacts, documents, law books and materials that highlight the history, evolution, and achievements of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh and the judicial system in the region. To create engaging and informative exhibitions, displays, and programs that educate the public about the importance of the judiciary, legal processes, and the rule of law. To facilitate research and scholarship related to the judiciary, legal history, and landmark cases, providing a valuable resource for scholars, students, and legal professionals.

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