Text Practice Mode
created Dec 26th 2024, 13:52 by Sai computer typing
351 words
37 completed
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Persons qualified as in the said Act is declared. Provided always that the persons who at the time of the establishment of such High Court were Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature and permanent Judges of the Court of the Dewanny Adawlut or Sudder Adawlut of the same Presidency should be and become Judges of Such High Court without further appointment for that purpose and the Chief Justice of such Supreme Court should become the Chief Justice of such High Court and that upon the establishment of such High Court as aforesaid the Supreme Court and the Court of Dewanny Adawlut and Adawlut at Calcutta in the said Presidency should be abolished and that the High Court of judicature so to be established should have and exercise all such civil criminal Admiralty and Vice - Admiralty Testamentary intestate and Matrimonial Jurisdiction original and appellate and all such powers and authorities for and in relation to the administration of Justice in the said Presidency as Her Majesty might by such Letters Patent as aforesaid grant and direct subject however, to such directions and limitations as to the exercise of the original Civil and criminal jurisdiction beyond the limits of the Presidency Town as might be prescribed thereby and save as by such Letters Patent might be otherwise directed and subject and without prejudice to the legislative powers in relation to the matter aforesaid of the Governor-General of India in Council the High Court so to be established should have and exercise all jurisdiction and every power and authority whatsoever in any manner vested in any of the Courts in the same Presidency abolished under the said Act at the time of the abolition of such last mentioned Courts. And whereas it is further declared by the said recited Act that it shall be lawful for Us by letters Patent to erect and establish a High Court of Judicature in and for any portion of the territories within Her Majesty’s Dominions in India not included within the limits of the local jurisdiction of another High Court to consist of a Chief Justice.
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