Text Practice Mode
Practice set 2
created Nov 7th 2024, 13:20 by Raju Verma
316 words
8 completed
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French Revolution: At the beginning of the eighteenth century, France was a monarchy ruled by an
autocratic king. The French society was divided into three Estates, or classes. The First Estate consisted
of the clergy. The Second Estate consisted of the nobility. The Third Estate consisted of the peasants
and the bourgeoisie, which included professionals and the wealthy merchants. The First and Second
Estates enjoyed many privileges, and paid almost no taxes. Wealth was concentrated in their hands.
The Third Estate had no privileges. This Estate bore the burden of taxation. The peasants had to perform
unpaid compulsory services. Tax default was punished with imprisonment in the state prison called the
Bastille, which became a symbol of oppression. Inspired by the democratic ideas of French philosophers
like Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesquieu, the bourgeoisie demanded political rights and government
by the consent of the people. Estates-General France had an assembly called the Estates-General, meant
to represent all the three Estates. The Estates-General, however, was never summoned between 1614
and 1789. Benazir Bhutto: Benazir was assassinated on December 27, 2007 in Rawalpindi by the Islamic
terrorists, when she was addressing one of the election meetings due to be held soon afterwards. Her
death postponed the elections; the Pakistan People’s Party triumphed at the polls thereby shattering
the dream of Nawaz Sharief of the Muslim League to occupy power. Zardari, in his earlier avatar as
Consort of Benazir, earned nickname of Mr. 10%. Lo & behold, Mr. 10% now becomes head of the State.
Zardari has visited a number of countries in his quest to seek foreign financial assistance and military
assistance to defeat the Taliban. The monster created by Pakistan refuses to vanish and is now
determined to destabilize the country and bring down the entire superstructure. The Swat Valley in
early 2009 was occupied by the Islamic militants before they were ousted by a determined army action.
autocratic king. The French society was divided into three Estates, or classes. The First Estate consisted
of the clergy. The Second Estate consisted of the nobility. The Third Estate consisted of the peasants
and the bourgeoisie, which included professionals and the wealthy merchants. The First and Second
Estates enjoyed many privileges, and paid almost no taxes. Wealth was concentrated in their hands.
The Third Estate had no privileges. This Estate bore the burden of taxation. The peasants had to perform
unpaid compulsory services. Tax default was punished with imprisonment in the state prison called the
Bastille, which became a symbol of oppression. Inspired by the democratic ideas of French philosophers
like Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesquieu, the bourgeoisie demanded political rights and government
by the consent of the people. Estates-General France had an assembly called the Estates-General, meant
to represent all the three Estates. The Estates-General, however, was never summoned between 1614
and 1789. Benazir Bhutto: Benazir was assassinated on December 27, 2007 in Rawalpindi by the Islamic
terrorists, when she was addressing one of the election meetings due to be held soon afterwards. Her
death postponed the elections; the Pakistan People’s Party triumphed at the polls thereby shattering
the dream of Nawaz Sharief of the Muslim League to occupy power. Zardari, in his earlier avatar as
Consort of Benazir, earned nickname of Mr. 10%. Lo & behold, Mr. 10% now becomes head of the State.
Zardari has visited a number of countries in his quest to seek foreign financial assistance and military
assistance to defeat the Taliban. The monster created by Pakistan refuses to vanish and is now
determined to destabilize the country and bring down the entire superstructure. The Swat Valley in
early 2009 was occupied by the Islamic militants before they were ousted by a determined army action.
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