
Text Practice Mode

SSC CGL Practice Paragraphs 19

created Aug 11th, 00:39 by DhirajSingh



342 words
10 completed
The average temperature of the Earth has been increasing continually since the late 19th century. The
mean global temperature in the 1960s was 13.9 degree Celsius whereas in 2017 it was 14.9 degree
Celsius. Thus, no one can deny the fact that the temperatures have been rising on our planet. Ice ages
and warmer periods have occurred alternatively and naturally on Earth. Natural warming happens
when Earth is closer to the Sun. But, it is the greenhouse gases that lead to a rapid temperature increase
and disrupt the natural cycle of changes. The gases such as the oxides of carbon and sulfur are
greenhouse gases. These gases, when present in the atmosphere, trap the incoming radiation and heat
from the Sun. The phenomenon of atmospheric gases acting as a shield is known as the greenhouse
effect. We humans have been primarily responsible for the release of these harmful gases. Our activities
such as industrial production, petroleum extraction, transportation, burning fossil fuel, mining, cattle
rearing, and deforestation are primarily responsible for global warming. The first impact of global
warming is the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers. So, a loss of habitat for species in the frozen zone
is likely. Losing tones of ice could result in the rising of sea levels, and inundation of coastal areas all
over the world. Glaciers are the sources of our rivers. With no glaciers, many rivers could dry up, leading
to severe water scarcity. As individuals, we too have the responsibility in making our planet a safe abode
for our future generations. We should go for energy-efficient lights such as LED bulbs that don't
generate much heat. We can drive less and use public transport instead. Recycling has to become a
habit in our society as the production of new components takes lots of energy and leads to pollution
too. Make judicious use of natural resources such as water. Plant trees as a single tree can absorb one
ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. We should also use less electronic devices for recreational

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