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Commitment to Family Welfare

created Aug 6th, 14:06 by venky10710



363 words
23 completed
Long years prior to Independence, it was realized that poverty could not be effectively met unless the size of the family was limited to enable each child to have a better share of resources and opportunities. India was the first to adopt family welfare as its official policy. Control of population is an integral part of the plans for development. While special funds and staff are earmarked for this programme, it was also recognized that the task has to be added to our general schemes of health and education. In democratic setup, the Government can act only with the consent and co-operation of the people. Family Welfare Programme is entirely voluntary and the country recognized the importance of involving voluntary organi-sations in its implementation.
    The task is not easy. Millions of couples, many of them illiterate, must be persuaded and given the means. With low incomes and crowded homes, couples can seldom afford to, or have the ability to use contraceptives. So they choose sterilization. There is some opposition, though less than in other countries, and more for political reasons that religious. The people of India have taken well to laparoscopy. With the assurance of change, more will avail themselves of these services as far as they are provided to them. Medical research  should also produce more effective and safe devices to confer long-lasting immunity on men and women. These should be cheap, easy to use and without harmful after effects. Couples should be able not only to avoid conception, but to have children at their choice. False ideas about the serious ethical results of the use of contraceptives insult the inner worth and dignity of human beings, and their mastery over themselves. The main obstacles is the economic backwardness which should be removed. In agricultural and craft societies, children are regarded as extra hands to help the family. For the same reason, boys are preferred. Also, in the old demographic lottery, death was a mere likely change. A large margin had to be set for infant mortality. Today, younger women, even those uneducated,have ambitions for their children and are happy about it. They are the best allies. but husbands and mothers-in-law  

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