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Kju17 Some experts say for road safety, cyclists should pass a test before being allowed on public roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

created Jul 26th, 10:25 by Kju Si



292 words
16 completed
There has been growing advocacy for mandatory testing of cyclists before they are permitted to use public roadways. While this proposal may face logistical challenges, I believe it is a sensible measure that can significantly improve road safety.
Critics of this idea argue that it addresses a non-existent problem. They contend that cycling is a basic skill learned in childhood, and adding bureaucratic layers such as testing and licensing could create unnecessary complexity. The implementation of such a system would involve additional paperwork and regulatory oversight, which could be burdensome for both cyclists and authorities. Furthermore, they suggest that even if a basic test were implemented, it might be insufficient to ensure safe cycling behaviour, rendering the initiative largely symbolic.
However, I argue that mandatory testing for cyclists is necessary because it addresses a genuine gap in road safety. Many cyclists lack awareness of the traffic hierarchy and road etiquette, often behaving in ways that increase the risk of accidents. In urban areas, cyclists can be perceived as a nuisance when they weave in and out of traffic, potentially causing dangerous situations for both themselves and motorists. A structured educational program, combined with a testing requirement, could instil a better understanding of road rules and proper cycling conduct. This approach has been successfully implemented in certain European countries, where cyclists are required to obtain licenses. As a result, these regions have cultivated a culture where bicycles are integrated smoothly into the overall traffic system, reducing conflict and enhancing safety.
In conclusion, despite the practical difficulties in implementing a testing and licensing system for cyclists, I believe it is a crucial step towards improving road safety. Governments should consider enacting such regulations to address the challenges posed by unregulated cycling on public roads.

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