
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 21st, 06:33 by Neha Tiwari



551 words
30 completed
There used to be a time when the domain of work and personal life was clearly distinct. But with globalization becoming the norm of the day the chances of work encroaching into personal life and vice versa has become alarming. Life will be always demanding and may not slow up any time soon. Learning to strike a balance between work and life is an ongoing art. Balance between work and life is a broad concept including proper prioritisation between work and life. Life can include both health and leisure. It is also related to lifestyle balance and life balance. Sadly there is no perfect one size fits all balance you are looking for. It is different for each of us because we all have different priorities and different lives. Trying to schedule an equal number of hours for each of your various work and personal activities seems unrealistic and robotic. Life is and should be more fluid than that. The paradox is that right balance for you today will probably be different tomorrow say when you are single or when you get married or when you start a new career or are nearing retirement. At the core of an effective work and life balance are two key concepts that are relevant to all of us. They are daily achievement and enjoyment. Achievement and Enjoyment are the front and back of the coin of value in life. Trying to live a one sided life is why so many successful people are not nearly as happy as they should be. Engraining a fuller meaning of these two concepts is like half the battle won to define a positive Work and Life Balance. Most of us already have a good grasp on the meaning of achievement. But enjoyment is not restricted to simply joking around and laughing. It means pride and satisfaction as well as love and a sense of wellbeing. In a nutshell it means all the joys of living. Corporate world today has become exceedingly demanding. The changing economic conditions and social demands have changed the nature of work throughout the world. The balance between work and life has become unbalanced within the ramped up competition of a round the clock business cycle. The imbalance also has a negative impact in the personal life of working people like increasing number of divorces and infertility due high stress levels etc. Organizations today to some extent have realized the importance of the work and life balance and how it increases the efficiency of the employees. In offices efforts are being made to provide a friendly work atmosphere for the employees. The employees are given the freedom to have their own ways of doing the work. Organizations focus on grooming their employees who are now not considered merely a work force but regarded as the Human Capital of the organization. Hence the concept of Work life balance is becoming more and more relevant in an ever dynamic working environment. The role played by the individual is as important as that of the organization in managing this tumultuous see saw. Be sure to remember that striking a work life balance is a continuous process rather than a one shot deal. If there is a tilt in the balance there are chances of soaring stress levels.

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