
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 14th, 09:23 by RamaDiansyah



222 words
25 completed
When I first started going to the gym and lifting weights, I was excited but also a bit anxious about getting everything right. One exercise that really challenged me was the deadlift. Every time I did it, my lower back would hurt afterwards, and I knew this wasn't normal. Determined to fix this, I turned to YouTube for answers.
I found several informative videos that explained why my back might be hurting. Common issues included improper form, lifting too heavy too soon, and not engaging the right muscles. One particularly helpful tip was to record myself while performing the deadlift so I could review my form.
Taking this advice to heart, I recorded a few of my deadlift sessions. When I reviewed the footage, I immediately noticed several mistakes: my back was rounding, my hips were too high, and I wasn't engaging my core properly. With this newfound awareness, I made a conscious effort to correct my form.
I started with lighter weights, focused on maintaining a neutral spine, and engaged my core throughout the lift. Gradually, I increased the weight as my form improved. Now, I can perform deadlifts confidently and without any lower back pain. This experience taught me the importance of proper form and listening to my body, and it has made my fitness journey much more rewarding.

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