
Text Practice Mode

typing test 5

created Jul 13th, 06:44 by aryan8840260276



398 words
16 completed
Intelligence is the global capacity to understand the world, think rationally,
and use available resources effectively when faced with challenges.
Intelligence tests provide a global measure of a person's general cognitive
competence including the ability to profit from schooling. Generally, students
having low intelligence are not likely to do so well in school related
examinations, but their success in life is not associated only with their
intelligence test scores. Aptitude refers to an individual's underlying potential
for acquiring skills. Aptitude tests are used to predict what an individual will
be able to do if given proper environment and training. A person with high
mechanical aptitude can profit from appropriate training and can do well as
an engineer. Similarly, a person having high language aptitude can be
trained to be a good writer. Interest is an individual's preference for engaging
in one or more specific activities relative to others. Assessment of interests of
students may help to decide what subjects or courses they can pursue
comfortably and with pleasure. Knowledge of interests helps us in making
choices that promote life satisfaction and performance on jobs. Personality
refers to relatively enduring characteristics of a person that make her or him
distinct from others. Personality tests try to assess an individual unique
characteristics, whether one is dominant or submissive, outgoing or
withdrawn, moody or emotionally stable. Personality assessment helps us to
explain an individual's behaviour and predict how she will behave in future.
Values are enduring beliefs about an ideal mode of behaviour. A person
having a value sets a standard for guiding his actions in life and also for
judging others. Whenever you publish new content of any type anywhere on
the net, you must always send information about that content to the major
social bookmarking sites. These sites are incredibly popular with many of the
social bookmarking resources meriting very high google page scores. The
basic concept of social bookmarking is that thousands of people who are
members of the largest social sites post information to the site about favorite
content that they have found whilst surfing the web. When they submit this
information, they tag it with various keyword phrases that enables other
members of the site who have similar interests to find the same content.
When they do so, many social sites allow members to vote for or against
submissions and the more popular a particular submission.

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