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Kju06 The shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences. Only government action can solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

created Jul 12th, 11:06 by Kju Si



299 words
8 completed
While the assertion that government intervention is paramount in addressing urban housing shortages is valid to a significant extent, I contend that individual contributions should not be underestimated. Although governments wield the authority to implement large-scale changes, citizens play a crucial role in influencing policies and fostering reform.
Governments, inherently tasked with decisions benefiting the entire citizenry, possess the capacity for transformative initiatives. A case in point is the urban planning evolution in New York City over the last century. Confronted with an unprecedented population surge within confined metropolitan boundaries, authorities responded by erecting towering skyscrapers to accommodate the burgeoning populace, expanding public transport networks, and constructing highways to facilitate suburban living. These monumental solutions, indispensable for resolving housing crises on such a scale, underscore the unparalleled efficacy of governmental action.
Nevertheless, the individual’s role, while less conspicuous, remains indispensable. In the aforementioned example, residents of New York City exercised their agency by electing mayors and governors aligned with their housing needs. In instances where government efforts prove inadequate, citizens can articulate their concerns through correspondence, forming action groups, or in more extreme cases, choosing to relocate to more accommodating cities. The advent of social media has magnified the impact of individual voices, enabling open discourse on housing issues. The collective pressure exerted by citizens acts as a formidable force, prompting governments to address housing shortages more effectively.
In summation, my stance diverges from those asserting exclusive reliance on government actions for rectifying housing crises in major metropolitan areas. While the government wield the authority for sweeping changes, the collective actions of individuals, expressed through democratic processes, civic engagement, and technological platforms, contribute significantly to engendering reform. A harmonious synergy between governmental initiatives and individual agency is essential for comprehensive solutions to the pressing challenges of urban housing shortages.

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