
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 10th, 08:28 by Sai computer typing



502 words
33 completed
Today it is necessary that special attention should be given to the conservation of natural resources, which mainly include sunlight, minerals, vegetation, air, water, atmosphere, land and animals etc. These resources are being misused indiscriminately, due to which these resources are slowly on the verge of being exhausted. Conservation of nature has been taken very seriously by the governments of all countries and various non-political organizations and have started working on it. There are also many ways in which the common man can also fulfill his responsibility towards their conservation. We need trees for pure air, Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to planting more and more trees. The water level of the earth is going down very fast. We should use less water and save more and more water. We have to develop a system to reuse rain water. We also have to stop the wastage of electricity otherwise the day is not far when we will be forced to live our life in the dark. We have to limit the use of paper, because paper is made from the wood of trees, for which we have to cut a large number of trees. Nowadays the land is also becoming poisonous, due to which the toxicity of the plants growing in it is increasing. For this we have to use cow dung manure, only then our land can be saved. For this we have to save the cow because from cow we get good milk, dung, Cow urine etc. are obtained which is very useful for nature and human beings. Human beings need a lot of vegetables, fuel, gas, water, air and light to run their livelihood. Therefore, we should plant more and more trees, so that the environment remains clean and pure and the cutting of trees can be easily compensated. Recently, almost the entire country was in the grip of scorching heat. This extreme heat is the result of neglect towards the environment and nature. The reason for feeling more hot is our convenient lifestyle. This heat is also increasing because we have neglected the environment and nature. Constant warnings being given have been ignored. For this reason, it is seen that in dealing with the wrath of the weather, we are getting weaker somewhere than before. There is a great need for air and light. Therefore, we should plant more and more trees, so that the environment remains clean and pure and the cutting of trees can be easily compensated. Recently, almost the entire country was in the grip of scorching heat. This extreme heat is the result of neglect towards the environment and nature. The reason for feeling more hot is our convenient lifestyle. This heat is also increasing because we have neglected the environment and nature. Constant warnings being given have been ignored. For this reason, it is seen that in dealing with the wrath of the weather, we are getting weaker somewhere than before. There is a great need for air and light.  

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