
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 5th, 04:35 by LittleStenographerOfficial



400 words
2 completed
Although social media is merely a tool used to fulfill an individual interest. sadly, misuse of it, leads to violence and polarization in society, without overlooking the dark side of it and the pressing issue, there must be a need to take vigorous steps with its implementation at the grassroots level without biases to undermine as well as eradicate the hoaxes spreading on Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Despite the existence of laws, there are repeatedly inflammatory contents circulated by political party workers as it shows the absence or lack of strict and stern action against individuals who are wholly responsible for spreading canards. It has a highly negative impact on youth and they are also responsible for carrying out the violence after being swayed by it. Hence there must be a need to create awareness among citizens and also need to stay away from online inflammatory content. Additionally, an independent body must be there to deal with such problems and also need to take immediate action against such activity so that society can get rid of the hatred and eradicate the feeling of enmity instead of brotherhood. Social media is merely a tool, depending on an individual Firstly, the first and the pivotal change that has been observed in the female workforce is that, females of the present times have come out of the barriers of Chulla-Chakki (the boundaries of kitchen and household works) and resultantly have tried to give their best efforts to contribute to the nation’s economy. In this regard, it is worthwhile pointing out that, the female workforce today has been marching shoulder to shoulder and consequently they are in no way inferior in comparison to their male counterpart. Secondly, gone are the days when girls used to be married off mostly at their early teens and subsequently she has to face the bondage of household works. In such a scenario, their life was staggered within the four walls of their house. Now, things are changing  as at the present times young girls along with their parents tries their best at least to get a bachelors degree and then apply their mind in the various avenues of employment in the organized or in the unorganized sectors of the Indian economy. Resultantly, child marriage and its associated lacunas have become the order of the past. Thirdly, women today have enriched their lives by exploring the new and exception

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