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canal Patwari typing Test Paragraph 11 June 2024 | Test Centre UET Lahore

created Jul 5th, 03:09 by Nazeer Ahmad



294 words
16 completed
SWAT: The archaeologists claim to have discovered remains of a Brahmanical or Deval temple, a water reservoir and a Ghaznavid military watchtower dating back to the Gandhara-era atop the Ghwandai hill in the ancient town of Bazira in Barikot-Swat.
The archaeologists clarified many points regarding the culturing sequence of the top of the Ghwandai (the acropolis of the ancient Brazier).
In the recent discovery, the Italian Archaeological Mission of ISMEO and Ca' Foscari University of Venice discovered the water reservoir for the Shahi temple after part of which was exposed last year.
"Water was brought from the nearby river to the hilltop through a deep vertical natural defile (c. 50 metre deep) whose exit is located close to the tank. The four-meter walled water reservoire is partly cut on the rocky surface and surrounded by a a huge walled precinct built upon the ruins of the Kushana monumental acropolis, which, when the Shahi occupied the hilltop, had fallen into disrepair, Dr Luca Maria Olivier, Director Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan, said, He added that two monumental artificial terraces, well-visible from kilometres away, a true landmark of the historical landscape of the Kushans, were also discovered.
"The eastern terrace was meant to house a Buddist sacred area. On the ruins of the latter the Hindu Shahis built their 24-metre-long temple while the western terrace revealed the past traces of the Indo-Greek wall circa 150BCE), as well as traces of the earlier proto-historic occupation of about 1400-800 BCE," he said, adding that Ghaznavid military watchtower to control the territory on the summit was also exposed.
Dr Luca Olivier said the new discovery  was very important as now the archaeologists and historians got the complete sequence going from Kushan to Hindu Shadi and ultimately to Ghaznavid period.

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