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श्री बागेश्वर अकादमी टीकमगढ़ (म.प्र) 6232538946
created Jun 12th 2024, 04:34 by TKG 2023
113 words
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The Lillian and A.J Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education offere a broad range of age-appropriate educational programs pertaining to the Holocaust. In addition to offering on site guided tours of our Holocaust Gallery, The Weinberg Center provides teachers with access to The main purpose of The Weinberg Center for Holocaust Eduction is to make authentic resurces on the Holocautst available to teacher, students, and institutions. By doing so, the jewish experience while supporting universal diversity and promoting human dignity. through written materials guided tours and oral presentations. We provide educators and pupils with critical information on a range of topics relation to this most tragic and brutal episode in the history of humanity.