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শিক্ষা প্রকৌশল অধিদপ্তর (কাম কম্পিউটার মুদ্রাক্ষরিক পরিক্ষা)
created May 12th 2024, 16:19 by imdesus
211 words
6 completed
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Since the covid-19 Pandemic hit the world in 2019, Meta has
connected 2 billion people to resources from health authorities
and carried out awareness campaigns on Facebook and
Instagram. The company also supported The Bangladesh
government and national health agencies in their Covid-19
response and helped the country. Over the Past two years. Meta
has been oartnering closely with the ICT Division and the
ministry of Health and family welfare of Bangladesh to launch
nationwide social media campaigns and make it casier for
people to access authoritative people to for the latest
government directives and helped them stay Informed. we thank
Meta for the collaboration to amplify reliable health information
and help ecsure that people have the resources they need to get
vaccinated, "He added, "As the world becomes increasingly
difital, We hope to continue to work together to raise awareness
using new technology to keep people safe, "More than ever
before, People are relying on the internet for information and
community building. National health agencies and government
campaigns around the world have been using personalized ad
campaigns across Meta technologies to raise awareness about
covid-19 vaccines become available and register through the
national vaccine registration portal. To ensure that people are
register through the national vaccine registration portal. To
connected 2 billion people to resources from health authorities
and carried out awareness campaigns on Facebook and
Instagram. The company also supported The Bangladesh
government and national health agencies in their Covid-19
response and helped the country. Over the Past two years. Meta
has been oartnering closely with the ICT Division and the
ministry of Health and family welfare of Bangladesh to launch
nationwide social media campaigns and make it casier for
people to access authoritative people to for the latest
government directives and helped them stay Informed. we thank
Meta for the collaboration to amplify reliable health information
and help ecsure that people have the resources they need to get
vaccinated, "He added, "As the world becomes increasingly
difital, We hope to continue to work together to raise awareness
using new technology to keep people safe, "More than ever
before, People are relying on the internet for information and
community building. National health agencies and government
campaigns around the world have been using personalized ad
campaigns across Meta technologies to raise awareness about
covid-19 vaccines become available and register through the
national vaccine registration portal. To ensure that people are
register through the national vaccine registration portal. To