
Text Practice Mode


created May 10th, 04:23 by Jyotishrivatri



454 words
11 completed
Akshaya Tritiya also has a special significance as a very famous Muhurta. It is believed that any auspicious and mangal work like marriage  housewarming purchase of clothes and jewellery or purchase of house  plot, vehicle etc. can be done on this day without consulting any Panchang.  Wearing new clothes, jewellery etc. and establishing or inaugurating a new institution society etc. is considered auspicious. It is written in the Puranas that offering tarpan and pinddaan or any other kind of donation to ancestors on this day gives Akshaya fruit. All sins are destroyed by taking bath in Ganga and worshipping Bhagwat on this day. Even the chanting, penance havan self-study and donation done on this day become Akshaya. If this Tithi falls on Monday and Rohini Nakshatra  then the fruit of donation chanting and penance done on this day increases a lot. Apart from this if this Tritiya starts before noon and lasts till Pradosh Kaal then it is considered very auspicious. It is also believed that on this day if a person prays to God with a true heart for forgiveness of his or his relatives known or unknown sins then God forgives his sins and gives him good qualities. Therefore on this day there is a tradition to offer ones bad qualities at Gods feet forever and ask for the boon of good qualities from him. However in verses 23-24 of Shrimadbhagwat Gita 16, the Gita Gyan Data clearly instructs that those devotees who do any other sadhna and activities other than the acts of devotion described in the scriptures neither get happiness nor do they get siddhi, nor do they get salvation that is this is useless worship. The devotee should abandon all those activities which are not described in Gita and Vedas that is the scriptures given by God.  
On the day of Akshaya Tritiya it is prescribed to wake up in the Brahma Muhurta take a bath in the sea and the Ganges and worship Lord Vishnu with a calm mind. Barley and wheat sattu cucumber and gram lentils are offered as naivedya. After that dakshina is given to the Brahmins by donating fruits flowers utensils and clothes etc.  Feeding a Brahmin is considered auspicious. It is believed that sattu must be eaten on this day and new clothes and ornaments should be worn. Donation of cow land gold utensils etc. is also done on this day. This date is also the day of the end of spring and the beginning of summer season, so on the day of Akshaya Tritiya donation of water filled pitchers kulhars bowls fans wooden slippers umbrellas rice salt ghee melon cucumber sugar greens tamarind sattu etc. beneficial for the religion is considered auspicious.  

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