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created May 5th 2024, 03:05 by g0uravverma
773 words
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Australia is a fascinating continent on earth. Its Size is twice the size of India and just under three-quarters of the Size of Europe. Nearly four fifths of the country is dry and flat. Ayers Rock rises from the centre of the continent. It is 335 meters high and eight kilometres around. The rock never looks exactly the same, because it continuously changes colour with the movement of the sun. Its colour is fiery red at dawn, golden- yellow at noon and deep purple at dusk. Three of every five Australians live in the six large cities, each distinct in Style. The oldest, largest and most effervescent is Sydney. More than three million people live in this gay and excited city. The major source of Australian riches is the Outback. Here are raised most of the sheep and cattle that make Australia the World's leading exporter of wool and beet. In a year, the average grazier can expect approximate income of Rs. 75 lakhs. Medical help for the isolated outback stations is provided by the Royal Flying Doctor service. Subscribers of this service are furnished With transceiver radios and large chests containing about 100 numbered medicines. People suffering from illness can radio to a medical centre to prescribe medicine from the chest. In an emergency case, doctor or nurse lilies out in an ambulance plane to treat the patient or to bring him back to a hospital. The radio is also used to convey telegrams and personal messages. Schooling system 1s also very unique there. The hours between9.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. at the radio centres are devoted to another vital service the School of the Air -which provides education to the children. Homework and examinations are posted to the centre tor correction. Once a year, parents take their children there to meet teachers and class-mates. A nation-wide government radio network broadcasts in 45 languages. And if a foreigner has a question, the national telephone interpreter service will give him the answer in his own tongue. All Australians are blessed with such an abundance of natural resources that citizens have nick named their homeland, "The Lucky Country. "It's mineral wealth includes 25 per cent of the globe's known bauxite reserves, 8% uranium, 20% of its nickel supply and great quantities of coal, iron, lead, zinc silver and manganese. The oil wells in Bass Strait in the South-east corner of the. Continent, supply 70 per cent of Australia's petroleum needs. Diamonds have been found in the Kimererly district. How much more wealth is hidden in the soil, no one really knows.
Chandigarh, the city beautiful, is a land-mark in the history of modern architecture and engineering in India. Inaugurated on April 2, 1952 by Jawahar Lal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, Chandigarh is only 52 years old. Chandigarh was planned by a world famous French architect, Mr. Le Corbusier. A team of architects, Town Planners hailing from England, France and India worked under the entire supervision of Mr. Le Corbusier. The city has made great strides during these years. When the project was started in 1952, many sceptics were inclined to look at the venture with some disbelief. The city, however, grew and eventually has become a great educational centre, a focus of composite culture and numerous other attractions for the general public. The city today has all the modern amenities available for its citizens. In educational and medical facilities, Chandigarh excels and today it is on the top in India. In the country side, almost all the villages in the jurisdiction of Chandigarh have been covered under the Habitat Movement." Every village is linked by road. Electricity is provided almost in all the villages. Piped water supply has been provided. The youth of Chandigarh has responded creditably to the call of under-taking new tasks of socio-economic development for the public living in rural areas. The city of Chandigarh with its planned construction and its very neat environment is a very good place from the health point of view to live in. To sustain this happy situation, the administration maintains an efficient system of health and medical care. The beds Hospital has been considerably increased. New strength in the Genera dispensaries are being added to the old set-up. Many new buildings have been provided and many new units opened. The P.G.I. in sector 12 has all the major facilities that should exist in a modern hospital. The Administration has given equal attention to the other systems of medicine. There are at present one Homoeopathic and two Ayurveda Colleges functioning in the city. More are being planned in the years to come.
Chandigarh, the city beautiful, is a land-mark in the history of modern architecture and engineering in India. Inaugurated on April 2, 1952 by Jawahar Lal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, Chandigarh is only 52 years old. Chandigarh was planned by a world famous French architect, Mr. Le Corbusier. A team of architects, Town Planners hailing from England, France and India worked under the entire supervision of Mr. Le Corbusier. The city has made great strides during these years. When the project was started in 1952, many sceptics were inclined to look at the venture with some disbelief. The city, however, grew and eventually has become a great educational centre, a focus of composite culture and numerous other attractions for the general public. The city today has all the modern amenities available for its citizens. In educational and medical facilities, Chandigarh excels and today it is on the top in India. In the country side, almost all the villages in the jurisdiction of Chandigarh have been covered under the Habitat Movement." Every village is linked by road. Electricity is provided almost in all the villages. Piped water supply has been provided. The youth of Chandigarh has responded creditably to the call of under-taking new tasks of socio-economic development for the public living in rural areas. The city of Chandigarh with its planned construction and its very neat environment is a very good place from the health point of view to live in. To sustain this happy situation, the administration maintains an efficient system of health and medical care. The beds Hospital has been considerably increased. New strength in the Genera dispensaries are being added to the old set-up. Many new buildings have been provided and many new units opened. The P.G.I. in sector 12 has all the major facilities that should exist in a modern hospital. The Administration has given equal attention to the other systems of medicine. There are at present one Homoeopathic and two Ayurveda Colleges functioning in the city. More are being planned in the years to come.
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