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JR CPCT INSTITUTE, TIKAMGARH (M.P.) || ॐ || मार्गदर्शन हमारा- सफलता आपकी || ॐ || सीपीसीटी क्‍लासेस बैंच स्‍टार्ट ~ 7000315619

created May 3rd, 07:56 by JRINSTITUTECPCT



550 words
8 completed
Junk food simply means an empty calorie food. An empty calorie food is high calorie or calorie rich food which lacks in micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals or amino acids but has high energy quotient. These foods do not contain the nutrients that our body needs to stay healthy. Junk food is an informal term applied to some foods which are perceived to have little or no nutritional value but which also have ingredients considered unhealthy when eaten regularly or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all. The term Junk food was coined as slang term in the public interest by Michael Jacobson Director of the Centre for Science Washington DC. The terms fast food and junk food are often used interchangeably. These foods contain high levels of refined sugar and polyunsaturated and trans fats. Various food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine are also used. At the same time it is lacking in fibres among other healthy attributes. These foods have little enzyme producing vitamins and minerals. Junk food culture has a vigorously uprising trend among youngsters and it makes people eat without planning. They eat not only during preset mealtime but also in the leisure time. Junk food seems convenient as it is very easy to prepare and consume. Generally junk food is given a very attractive appearance by adding food additives and colours. These artificial additives and preservatives along with an enhanced flavour also guarantee a long shelf life of the product. Common junk food includes fast food such as burgers and pizzas as well as aerated beverages. Heavily processed ingredients of the junk foods make them addictive in nature and encourage binge eating which poses many health hazards. The chemicals used in the packaging materials can seep into the meals. Multiple factors may influence the consumption of junk food. Studies among adolescents suggest that marketing strategies and low prices all may play an influential role. It is known that food preferences develop in childhood. These dietary behaviours continue into adulthood and increase the risks of chronic diseases later in life. The early stages in the juvenility of teens represent a crucial period of transition in the overall human development. The total nutrient needs are higher during this stage of growth than in any other stage of the life cycle. It is also the time when a boy or girl increases their social interactions with their peers and develop different eating habits. It is a stage when they are least bothered about what they eat. Currently fast food and junk food have expanded their sales in schools. For many students the day is not complete without observing the daily ritual of visiting the junk food shop in and around the school premises. Awareness on junk food facts is lacking dramatically in every corner of the society. Ninety percent of parents agree that junk food advertisements were making it difficult for them to promote healthy eating at home. Messages for healthy eating are getting undermined at every turn by the relentless number of junk food advertisements. Hence each and every individual parent needs to be educated about such foods and their impact on their children health that can take care to avoid them intelligently and keeping them out of the reach of their children.  

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