
Text Practice Mode


created May 3rd, 07:23 by lucky shrivatri



488 words
21 completed
Womans honor has been given great importance in Indian culture. There is a verse in Sanskrit Yesya Pujyante Narayastu Tatra Ramante Deity That is, where the woman is worshiped, the deities reside there. But in the situation that appears in the present women are being insulted everywhere. The man is using it in his own way, considering it as an object of enjoyment. This is a matter of great concern. But it is necessary to consider how to honor the woman while maintaining our culture.  
Mother means woman as mother in its holiest form on earth. Mother means mother. Mother is considered more than God because the birth-mother of God has also been a woman. We can see this in the context of Mother Devaki Krishna and Mother Parvati Ganapati Karthikeya.
But according to the changing times, the offspring have reduced the importance of their mother. This is a worrying aspect. Everyone is drowning in wealth and selfishness. But the respect of the woman as a mother who gives birth must be compulsory which has been reduced at present this question is spreading all over the place like Yakshaprashan nowadays. The new generation should introspect about this.
If we look at the girls of today we find that these girls are winning a lot these days. They can be seen moving in every field. Girls are moving fast in the merit list of various examinations. At one time they were considered weak but they have acquired proficiency in every field on the strength of their hard work and meritorious power. His talent should be respected.
 The entire life of a woman is spent walking shoulder to shoulder with the man. Her childhood passes under the shadow of the first father. In the father's house also he has to do the housework and also have to continue his studies. This sequence continues till marriage.  
During this time he has to bear the dual responsibility of teaching along with household chores whereas during this time the boys have no work other than education. Some youngsters do not even study properly, whereas they do not have any other work. Seen from this perspective, women always walk shoulder to shoulder with men but also discharge more responsibilities from them as well. Woman is also honorable in this way.
After marriage, women bear even more heavy responsibilities. After serving husband, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, they have no time for themselves. She keeps on knocking the bull of the crusher in the family. After the birth of a child, their responsibility increases even more. It is not known when the life of a common woman ends up in a house, family, four-door stove. Many times she also strangles her aspirations for the sake of family. They do not even get this much time, they also live for themselves. Indian women are at the forefront of making their lives home for the sake of family.  

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