
Text Practice Mode


created May 3rd, 06:31 by shilpa ghorke



319 words
23 completed
There is no clear assessment by the officers of Educational Department on the efficiency of Schools. Inspection of Schools has become irregular and even when it is done it is formal. The Inspecting Officers do not make any attempt to assess the performance of the Schools. This is the major charge leveled by the headmaster against the Educational Department when they were asked to comment on the report on the educational administration. The principals of Colleges agree with them. They say that the Education Department instead of showing an example to the educational institutions remains to be the neglected Department. A Principal remarked that the only guidance the Department instead of showing an example to the educational agitation. He said that even before the trouble starts the offices telephone and ask us to close the institutions. The head of the institution has no choice except to close down the School even not like to do so.  The supervision of the elementary school has to be done by Deputy Inspector of Schools. These officers are also having heavy responsibilities. These include supervision of the mid-day meals scheme, collection of money to the various funds including the raffles. Of course, all the collection work they delegate to the teachers and make the teachers collect from the students and parents. The Inspecting Officers are not therefore able to devote adequate time to their main job of Inspection of Schools. The headmasters always and at all times feel that to give relief to the officers of the Educational Department of their nonacademic work, may not be immediately possible, but the government can appoint more Inspecting Officers to remedy the situation. Inspection reports on the working of the schools are not sent in time to the headmasters. Even if some kind of report is sent to the Schools, no follow up action is taken to ensure that the suggestions have been carried out.  

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