
Text Practice Mode


created Apr 10th, 09:16 by Sar22



244 words
33 completed
The ecosystem is a complex, interconnected network comprising biotic and abiotic elements. Biotic elements include all living organisms such as plants, animals and microorganism. Abiotic components, on the other hand, include non-living entities that are vital for the survival of life and these include soil, water, climate, etc. Among all biotic elements, Flora and Fauna are the most fascinating ones.
Flora refers to all plant life and fauna refers to all animal life.
Forests are one of the most important example of Flora in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Forests require sufficient amount of moisture in the soil.
So, they are found in the areas where there is sufficient rainfall or along the banks of the rivers, where sufficient water is available. In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, forests are mainly found where annual rainfall is about 100 cm.
The valley of Kashmir had deciduous vegetation. There are five forest types occurring in the Union Territory, viz Sub-tropical Dry Evergreen, Himalayan Moist Temperate, Himalayan Dry Temperate, Sub-tropical Pine and Sub-Alpine and Alpine forest.
The Chir, Poplar, Deodar, Fir, Pine, Kail, partal, MulbeGrassy meadows in the forest provide fodder for the cattle. Medicinal herbs such as, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Digitalis, Menthol, Artemisis, Polygola, Podophyllum, Rubus, Trillinn, Hops and kuth grow in these forests.
industries like paper, sports goods, furniture, wood carving, herbal drugs, silk industry, manufacture of agricultural implements and construction of railway sleepers depend on these forests.
Junior Assistant
Education Department.

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