
Text Practice Mode

JR CPCT INSTITUTE, TIKAMGARH (M.P.) || ॐ || मार्गदर्शन हमारा- सफलता आपकी || ॐ || सीपीसीटी क्‍लासेस बैंच स्‍टार्ट ~ 7000315619

created Apr 1st 2024, 07:24 by JRINSTITUTECPCT



223 words
19 completed
All of us do some kind of work to live a comfortable life and to gain sufficient material wealth. This work is carried out with a view of maintaining the standard of living which our physical and intellectual powers have helped us to attain. But there is another kind of work which is completely divorced from the burdensome process of our livelihood. A work which is undertaken for the sake of amusement or interest or to direct our surplus stores of energy in some new and useful channels of refined tastes. This delightful occupation that combines work with pleasure or hobby as it is properly termed calls for the use of our highest sensibilities. It gives proper form to our healthy instincts and disciplined behaviour. In our carefree and vacant time it allows our senses to perform their natural functions and to display their instinctive greatness. We devote our free time to the pursuit of this pleasant task and gain advantages. The benefits of pursuing a hobby are more soothing than those which we obtain from the bread earning routine of our daily life. Hobbies widen the sphere of our cultural activities and show us the path that leads to our overall mental and moral development. Our tendencies and inclinations also find in them an outlet for a healthy and progressive expression.  

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