
Text Practice Mode

WASEEM KHOSA CELL #+923023018805

created Mar 23rd, 06:49 by WASEEM81



195 words
22 completed
She is talented. Capable of things that she puts her mind to. She is so smart and brave. She is the best thing that has entered my life besides close family. She is my everything and I can never lose her. She is one of the people that I trust so much. I love her and I don't care what people have to say about that. She is my one and only. She taught me to keep my comments to myself if they were not necessary to say. She told me to not pay mind to two who hate on me. She is my number one supporter if I tell her anything I want to do in life. She has the biggest heart and spoils me a lot. But nobody can be as beautiful and talented as she is. Call her my mom, not by blood but by heart. If you are miss. Sofi and you are doing this tying text I want you to know that you are so pretty, keep doing what you are best at, and be you don't be like others because you are better. I love you so much, mommy.

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