
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 14th, 17:27 by Karthika .v



439 words
18 completed
So now let's continue this  
Arthur wants to do nothing with his family or this society and he also wants to be like the previous owner as he quite liked this new concept and he feels quite good with his new identity and wants to feel that it will help him to find what he seeks in this vast world ( * denotes the amazing and lazy author's description or mind voice ).
Now Arthur starts to analyse his situation he finds that he is younger compared to his memory . he is now 14 years old but in his memory he is almost 28 years old so he realised that he also knows the future development of this world and instead of feeling happy he feels boring as there is no excitement in knowing the future.
( * let me remind that if you want to know from the start then read SOMETHING DIFFERENT before reading this )
While he was thinking there is a sudden knock in the door which is very impatient and irritating and he comes to his senses now . he get up lazily from the bed and  open the door it was a maid . she feels quite panicked and uncomfortable because it's quite like the  mc was quite different but shrugged this feeling as nothing is noticeable and arrogantly asked the mc to go down for breakfast and left. And yes our mc doesn't do anything like scare or punish her as he is very . . . lazy ( MC - stands for Main character )
and of course he just likes to be a bystander .
He get ready in his uniform and the fact is that he is quite adaptable in getting into any personality and it's like a skill for him which is huge advantage for him in his previous life . He adjusted his mind and went down to meet his so called family . When he is on the stairs he felt somewhat funny to see his gooood family eating their dinner in a pleasant manner and their familial aura diminished due to his arrival . ( * hah! what a sight to see and don't take this story to heart as this is done by this author for fun and is his first time doing it online)
He got into his character and just gloomily sat at a corner and at a furthest place from his family and start eating his food.  
( * I just write this until about 2000 words and am very proficient in page filling and see ya later! )  

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