
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 13th, 04:03 by rajni shrivatri



306 words
10 completed
In the examinations held prior to 1989. use of Hindi language to write the answers was not prohibited and there does not appear to be any sound basis for putting an embargo on the use of Hindi language for the first time in the examinations of 1989 onwards and, lastly.  Knowledge and proficiency in English of the eligible candidates is sufficiently tested by prescribing a compulsory question of translation from Hindi to English.
 In view of the above conclusions, the writ petitions have to succeed. The use of Hindi language in writing the answers in the Departmental Examination to the promotional post of Bench Secretary Grade II has been illegally prohibited. Now the question is whether the petitioners, in the circumstances of the case, can be granted any relief. The Examination of 1999 is already over, the results have been declared and the successful departmental candidates are fully saddled on the promotional posts. It is not necessary to put the on going cart in the reverse gear, particularly in view of the fact that successful candidates who have been promoted and are bound to be affected by any direction if made operative from retrospective effect, have not been arrayed as party to this writ petition. The petitioners have to rest contented with the feeling and realisation that they have been successful in championing the cause of Hindi. It should be their endearing solace.
In the result, both the writ petitions are allowed only to the extent that in future eligible candidates appearing in the examination for the promotional post of Bench Secretary Grade II shall not be compelled to write their answers in English language only. They shall have the option either to write their answers in English or in Hindi language and to give effect to this direction the question papers shall be bilingual.

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