
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 1st 2023, 05:42 by lucky shrivatri



454 words
24 completed
Soil or soil is the topmost layer of the earth. Soil is formed by mixing small fine particles of broken rocks minerals organic matter bacteria etc. There are many layers of soil the topmost layer contains small soil particles gutted plants and the remains of organisms. This layer is important for crop production. The second layer is of fine particles such as clay and is a mixture of disintegrated rocks and soil at the bottom and the last layer consists of un-fragmented hard rocks. The depth of soil in all parts of the country is found in the sky form it a few cm. Ranging from 30 m.  
Every soil has its own specialty. Through its distinct physical chemical and biological characteristics it provides benefits to various types of crops. Alluvial soil is fertile soil rich in potassium and is very suitable for agriculture especially paddy sugarcane and banana crops. Red soil has high iron content   and is suitable for the production of gram groundnut and castor seeds. This soil is found in dry and semiarid regions marshy areas areas with more irrigation.
This soil is formed by the rupture of rocks due to weathering. Due to excess of iron oxide the color of this soil looks red. This soil is mainly found in Madhya Pradesh southern Uttar Pradesh Chota Nagpur plateau Dandakaranya region of Andhra Pradesh West Bengal and Meghalaya. On the plateaus and hills these soils have low fertility and are narrow and rough but in the lower places or in the valleys of the rivers they become more fertile and have more leaching. Red soil is found in most of the peninsular plateau except for the coastal plains and black soil zone. Coarse grains in this soilThey are produced such as wheat paddy flaxseed etc. The composition of this soil is as follows. The soil out of lava from the volcano  is made of  In India it is about 5 lakh sq.km. Spreads in Maharashtra has the highest expansion of this soil. It is  also called soil made of Deccan trap. In this soil sufficient quantities of potash magnesium alumina and iron are found. Its expansion is not limited to the lava region but rivers have carried it and deposited it in their valleys. It is very fertile and is famous for its cotton yield hence it is called black soil with cotton. This soil has an abundant power to withstand moisture so irrigation is not required even when the rainfall is low. This soil is found in arid and semiarid regions such as western Rajasthan and Arwali mountain regions northern Gujarat southern Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. Wheat sugarcane cotton sorghum millet are grown with the help of irrigation.

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